Get Latest Bangladesh Import Data of Plant heat exchange under HS Code 38089310

Discover latest Bangladesh shipment data of Plant heat exchange under HS code 38089310. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Bangladesh Import Data.

12/28/202338089310Herbi., anti-sprouting prod.&plant-growth regu.:For Dairy, Poultry and Agricul PESTICIDES FOR AGRIUCLTUREAL USE. PRETILACHLOR 50% EC(WEED GUARD 500 EC)ACTIVE AGRO SCIENCE8459.98Barrel29430IndiaN/A
12/28/202338089310Herbi., anti-sprouting prod.&plant-growth regu.:For Dairy, Poultry and Agricul PGR FOR AGRICULTURAL USE: LITOSENFORWARD BEIHAI HEPU PESTICIDE COLTD16000Drum48800ChinaN/A
12/28/202338089310Herbi., anti-sprouting prod.&plant-growth regu.:For Dairy, Poultry and Agricul CLEAN BOSS 18WP (ACETOCHLOR 14 % + BENSULFURON 4 % WP)SHANDONG WEIFANG RAINBOW12000Bag37200ChinaN/A
12/28/202338089310Herbi., anti-sprouting prod.&plant-growth regu.:For Dairy, Poultry and Agricul TABARA 20SL ( PARAQUATE 20% ) REG: NO AP-4782EXPO TRADE HK LTD1600Drum4000ChinaN/A
12/28/202338089310Herbi., anti-sprouting prod.&plant-growth regu.:For Dairy, Poultry and Agricul BLEGOLD 10WP (PYRAZOSULFURON-ETHYL 10 % WP)SHANDONG WEIFANG RAINBOW3000Bag37200ChinaN/A
12/27/202338089310Herbi., anti-sprouting prod.&plant-growth regu.:For Dairy, Poultry and Agricul PYRAZOUSULFURON ETHYL 10%WP FOR AGRI:USEPENZEAL INDUSTRY COLTD16000Bag59200ChinaN/A
12/27/202338089310Herbi., anti-sprouting prod.&plant-growth regu.:For Dairy, Poultry and Agricul HERBICIDES FOR AGRICULTURAL PUR: SUCCOUR 500 EC(PRETILACHLOR 50%EC)BHARAT CERTIS AGRISCIENCE LTD2939.99Drum12000IndiaN/A
12/27/202338089310Herbi., anti-sprouting prod.&plant-growth regu.:For Dairy, Poultry and Agricul AROXONE 200 SL FOR AGRI:USESHANDONG RAINBOW AGROSCIENCES COLTD34559.9Drum40640ChinaN/A
12/27/202338089310Herbi., anti-sprouting prod.&plant-growth regu.:For Dairy, Poultry and Agricul HERBICIDES FOR AGRICULTURAL PURPOSE - FILDER PLUSNINGBO SUNJOY BIOSCIENCE CO LTD19200Drum29600ChinaN/A
12/27/202338089310Herbi., anti-sprouting prod.&plant-growth regu.:For Dairy, Poultry and Agricul PGR: GIBBERELLIC ACIDWINALL HITECH SEED CO LTD3000Carton92400ChinaN/A

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Plant heat exchange under HS code 38089310 Bangladesh. We collect Import data of Plant heat exchange under HS code 38089310 with product anddate.Import data of Plant heat exchange under HS code 38089310 Bangladesh helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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