Get Latest Bangladesh Adhesive plastic Export Data to United kingdom

Get latest Customs Export data of Bangladesh to United kingdom for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

10/31/202464041900Sports Footwear, With Rubber Or Plastic Soles And Textile UppersBay Footwear Ltd.5262N/A5.28968e+006United KingdomN/A
10/28/202464041900Sports Footwear, With Rubber Or Plastic Soles And Textile UppersHamko Leathers Limited1030N/A527772United KingdomN/A
10/26/202464041900Sports Footwear, With Rubber Or Plastic Soles And Textile UppersBonshoe Bangladesh Ltd.2316N/A1.55635e+006United KingdomN/A
10/25/202464041900Sports Footwear, With Rubber Or Plastic Soles And Textile UppersOMC Footwear Limited369N/A73150.6United KingdomN/A
10/25/202464041900Sports Footwear, With Rubber Or Plastic Soles And Textile UppersOMC Footwear Limited36N/A10886.4United KingdomN/A
10/25/202464041900Sports Footwear, With Rubber Or Plastic Soles And Textile UppersEdison Footwear Ltd.302N/A138362United KingdomN/A
10/24/202439232990Article for the conve..of polymers of ther plastic excl.airtght storage bag with zippESHANA NON WOVEN FABRICS (ind) LTD0N/A1.34873e+006United Arab EmiratesN/A
10/21/202448114190SELF ADHESIVE,PAPER & PAPER BOARDKaixi Fashion Bangladesh Co. Ltd.0N/A67200United KingdomN/A
10/20/202464041900Sports Footwear, With Rubber Or Plastic Soles And Textile UppersSHOENIVERSE FOOTWEAR LTD.12156N/A7.14773e+006United KingdomN/A
10/17/202464041900Sports Footwear, With Rubber Or Plastic Soles And Textile UppersHamko Leathers Limited3720N/A2.84357e+006United KingdomN/A

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Adhesive plastic Export Data of Bangladeshfrom United kingdom. We collect Adhesive plastic Export Data of Bangladesh to United kingdom with product and date. Adhesive plastic ExportData of Bangladesh from United kingdom helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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