Get Latest Vietnam Wood watch Import Data from Japan

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/29/202473269099CCDC#&Folding watch clamp, made of steel, model: 900321. Brand: MITUTOYO. 100% new item#&JPCONG TY TNHH NIHON DENKEI VIET NAM3PCE45JapanNA
3/29/202440169999Vulcanized rubber suction cup used to suck up products on the watch function tester (ZPT13US-AS5) (100% new product)IMARKETKOREA INC2PCE10.911JapanNA
3/29/202490173000.#&Watch caliper code 505-745 measuring range 0-300mm. Brand Mitutoyo, 100% new#&JPCONG TY TNHH TOUSEI ENGINEERING VIET NAM5PCE528.24JapanNA
3/29/202448025790HQ-204#&MAGNET SHEET wood glue SPP2004782C (W900mm) (used to produce exported household wood products, unbranded, with product label, 100% new)ISSEIKI CORPORATION40MTK526.944JapanNA
3/29/202439235000HQ-231#&HIRAGATA Uke Stopper -8mm (used to produce exported household wood products, unbranded, with product label, 100% new)ISSEIKI CORPORATION100PCE14.13JapanNA
3/29/202444152000P004#&Plywood sheets used to pack goods (old goods) PACKING PLY WOOD BOARDNISSEI ELECTRIC CO LTD110PCE196.13JapanNA
3/29/202484818099Vacuum valve (made of plastic, creates vacuum to suck the product in the watch function tester (ZK2B07K5NL2A-06-B) (100% new product)IMARKETKOREA INC2PCE171.3316JapanNA
3/29/202484123100.#&SMC MHZ2-6D cylinder, is a pneumatic cylinder, used in assembly industry, processing industry, wood industry. 100% new item#&JPCONG TY TNHH MOT THANH VIEN HA MINH TRUONG5PCE132.06JapanNA
3/29/202439264000HQ-205#&Edge Edge WHITE DAP TOSOU TYPE W32mm (used to produce exported household wood products, unbranded, with product label, 100% new)ISSEIKI CORPORATION975MTR314.925JapanNA
3/29/202435069190Wood glue AU-8520W, CAS: 24937-78-8; 7732-18-5, ingredients include: Polymer-Isocyanate, water, 1200kg/IBC, 100% newAICA KOGYO CO LTD17UNIT31366.53JapanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Wood watch Import Data of Vietnamfrom Japan. We collect Wood watch Import Data of Vietnam from Japan with product and date. Wood watch ImportData of Vietnam from Japan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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