Get Latest Vietnam Whey Import Data from Hungary

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/18/202419019039TPBS: Whey protein professional Coconut Flavor (coconut flavor) powder form, 30 grams. Dr. Wheyprotein for people practicing sports. Expiry date: January 2027. Manufactured at: BIOTECH USA KFT, 100% new, FOC giftBIOTECH USA KFT50UNK58.78HungaryNA
3/18/202419019032TPBS: Whey protein professional Chocolate hazelnut Flavor (chocolate flavor) powder form, 30 grams. Dr. Whey protein for people practicing sports. Expiry date: December 2026. Manufactured at: BIOTECH USA KFT, 100% new, FOC giftBIOTECH USA KFT50UNK58.78HungaryNA
3/13/202421069099Food supplement: Iso Whey Zero Coconut Flavored 908g (Lot: 1233941, ext: November 28, 2026), powder form. Manufacturer: BIOTECH USA KFT. New 100%BIOTECH USA KFT30PCE338.553HungaryNA
3/13/202421069099Food supplement: Iso Whey Zero Chocolate-Toffee Flavored 2270g (Lot: 1235031, ext: December 2, 2026), powder form. Manufacturer: BIOTECH USA KFT. New 100%BIOTECH USA KFT100PCE3159.82HungaryNA
3/13/202421069099Food supplement: Iso Whey Zero Coconut Flavored 2270g (Lot: 1235108, ext: December 6, 2026), powder form. Manufacturer: BIOTECH USA KFT. New 100%BIOTECH USA KFT100PCE3159.82HungaryNA
1/30/202421069099Food supplement: Hydro Whey Zero Chocolate Flavored 1816g (Lot:1226582,1226585, 1226586, ext: October 11, 2026;Lot:1227549,1227552, ext: October 17, 2026), powder form. BIOTECH USA KFT. New 100%BIOTECH USA KFT2000Pieces64779.24HungaryNA
1/30/202421069099Food supplement: Hydro Whey Zero Strawberry 1816g (Lot: 1226604, 1226605, 1226606, ext: October 9, 2026; Lot: 1230832, 1230833 ext: November 9, 2023 ), powder form. BIOTECH USA KFT. New 100%BIOTECH USA KFT750Pieces24292.215HungaryNA
1/30/202421069099Food supplement: Hydro Whey Zero Vanilla Flavored 1816g (Lot: 1226651, 1226652 ext: October 12, 2026; Lot: 1229624, ext: October 31, 2026), powder form. BIOTECH USA KFT. New 100%BIOTECH USA KFT750Pieces24292.215HungaryNA
1/24/202421069099Whey protein supplement: Pure Whey Pro Raspberry Yogurt, 1kg/ 1unk, Brand: Nutriversum, Sample, 100% NewNUTRIVERSUM KFT1Box/Bag/Pack25.81571HungaryNA
1/24/202421069099Whey protein supplement: Pure Whey Pro Pistachio, 1kg/ 1 ounce, Brand: Nutriversum, Sample, 100% NewNUTRIVERSUM KFT1Box/Bag/Pack25.81571HungaryNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Whey Import Data of Vietnamfrom Hungary. We collect Whey Import Data of Vietnam from Hungary with product and date. Whey ImportData of Vietnam from Hungary helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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