Get Latest Vietnam Whey Import Data from Germany

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3/27/202419019031Food supplement: Zott Monte Vanilla flavored milk whey, Zott Monte brand, 1 blister = 4 boxes x 55g = 220g. Expiry date: August 19, 2024. Manufacturer: Zott SE & Co.Kg, Germany. 100% new. (HD: 24-010-HCM)ZOTT SE and CO KG22680VI16463.412GermanyNA
3/27/202419019031Food supplement: Zott Monte Vanilla flavored milk whey, Zott Monte brand, 1 blister = 4 boxes x 55g = 220g. Expiry date: August 12, 2024; August 19, 2024. Manufacturer: Zott SE & Co.Kg, Germany. 100% new. (HD: 24-012-HCM)ZOTT SE and CO KG48468VI35182.9212GermanyNA
3/27/202419019031Food supplement: Zott Monte Classic milk whey, Zott Monte brand, 1 blister = 4 boxes x 55g = 220g. Expiry date: August 7, 2024; August 20, 2024. Manufacturer: Zott SE & Co.Kg, Germany. 100% new. (HD: 24-012-HCM)ZOTT SE and CO KG18144VI13170.7296GermanyNA
3/27/202419019031Food supplement: Zott Monte Calcium Plus milk whey, Zott Monte brand, 1 blister = 4 boxes x 55g = 220g. Expiry date: August 21, 2024. Manufacturer: Zott SE & Co.Kg, Germany. 100% new. (HD: 24-012-HCM)ZOTT SE and CO KG16470VI11955.573GermanyNA
3/27/202419019031Food supplement: Zott Monte milk whey chocolate flavor, Zott Monte brand, 1 blister = 4 boxes x 55g = 220g. Expiry date: August 19, 2024. Manufacturer: Zott SE & Co.Kg, Germany. 100% new. (HD: 24-010-HCM)ZOTT SE and CO KG11340VI8231.706GermanyNA
3/27/202419019031Food supplement: Zott Monte Classic milk whey, Zott Monte brand, 1 blister = 4 boxes x 55g = 220g. Expiry date: August 20, 2024. Manufacturer: Zott SE & Co.Kg, Germany. 100% new. (HD: 24-010-HCM)ZOTT SE and CO KG13608VI9878.0472GermanyNA
3/26/202419019031Food supplement: Zott Monte classic milk whey 55g/box, 1 set = 1 blister, 1 blister = 4 boxes, expiry date: August 7, 2024, 100% new, manufacturer Zott Se & Co.Kg, Dr, HD number : 24-010-HNZOTT SE and COKG20412SET14817.0708GermanyNA
3/26/202419019031Food supplement: Zott Monte milk whey chocolate flavor 55g/box, 1 set = 1 blister, 1 blister = 4 boxes, expiry date: August 6 & 12, 2024, 100% new, manufacturer Zott Se & Co.Kg , Dr, HD number: 24-012-HNZOTT SE and COKG11898SET8636.7582GermanyNA
3/26/202419019031Food supplement: Zott Monte vanilla flavor milk whey 55g/box, 1 set = 1 blister, 1 blister = 4 boxes, expiry date: July 30 & August 6, 2024, 100% new, manufacturer Zott Se & Co.Kg , Dr, HD number: 24-011-HNZOTT SE and COKG85806SET62286.5754GermanyNA
3/26/202419019031Food supplement: Zott Monte milk whey chocolate flavor 55g/box, 1 set = 1 blister, 1 blister = 4 boxes, expiry date: August 6, 2024, 100% new, manufacturer Zott Se & Co.Kg, Dr , HD number: 24-010-HNZOTT SE and COKG11340SET8231.706GermanyNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Whey Import Data of Vietnamfrom Germany. We collect Whey Import Data of Vietnam from Germany with product and date. Whey ImportData of Vietnam from Germany helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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