Get Latest Vietnam Wall tube Import Data from Thailand

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3/31/202484151020Casper wall-mounted air conditioner, code GC-12IS33, capacity 12800 BTU/ 3.75 Kw using 220V electricity. 100% NewCONG TY TNHH GETECH VIET NAM1SET239.703ThailandNA
3/31/202484151020Casper wall-mounted air conditioner, code GC-09IS33, capacity 9800 BTU/ 2.87 Kw using 220V electricity. 100% NewCONG TY TNHH GETECH VIET NAM1SET216.874ThailandNA
3/30/2024630790901291001308M0215002.23#&Car electric cable protection tube, 100% polyester felt material, diameter 13mm, length 215mm, (QW3005), 100% new productFEDERALMOGUL THAILAND LTD2000PCE116.4ThailandNA
3/30/2024630790901291000808M0185.23#&Car electric cable protection tube, 100% polyester felt material, diameter 08mm, length 185mm, (QW3005), 100% new productFEDERALMOGUL THAILAND LTD200PCE7.74ThailandNA
3/30/202439211999Insulated PE foam plastic tube, Size: 12.7mm x 20mm wall x 2m LS No slit, 100% new productTHAI SEKISUI FOAM CO LTD2400PCE3552ThailandNA
3/30/202439211999Insulated PE foam plastic tube, Size: 15.9mm x 20mm wall x 2m LS No slit, 100% new productTHAI SEKISUI FOAM CO LTD1125PCE1755ThailandNA
3/30/202440169390Anti-vibration washer for copper tube made of vulcanized rubber, outer diameter size 31 mm, code HG4001-1-KA M- Components used to produce Daikin air conditioners. New 100%DAIKIN TRADING THAILAND LTD600PCE138.36ThailandNA
3/30/202439211999Insulated PE foam plastic tube, Size: 88.9mm x 15mm wall x 2m LS No slit, 100% new productTHAI SEKISUI FOAM CO LTD40PCE167.2ThailandNA
3/30/202440169390Anti-vibration washer for copper tube made of vulcanized rubber, outer diameter size 31 mm, code HG4001-1-KA M- Components used to produce Daikin air conditioners. New 100%DAIKIN TRADING THAILAND LTD900PCE207.54ThailandNA
3/30/202440169390Anti-vibration washer for copper tube made of vulcanized rubber, outer diameter size 31 mm, code HG4001-1-KA M- Components used to produce Daikin air conditioners. New 100%DAIKIN TRADING THAILAND LTD3900PCE899.34ThailandNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Wall tube Import Data of Vietnamfrom Thailand. We collect Wall tube Import Data of Vietnam from Thailand with product and date. Wall tube ImportData of Vietnam from Thailand helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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