Get Latest Vietnam Wall flush Import Data from Italy

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/28/202485381019(MIP12112) Wall-mounted electrical cabinet cover, 63A 400VAC, no equipment installed - MODULAR ENCL MINIPRAGMA 1R 12M SURF FD W, used to protect industrial and civil electrical cabinets, Schneider Electric brand, 100% newSCHNEIDER ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES SAS16PCE150.1248ItalyNA
3/28/202485366999(PKF32W423) Wall socket 32A - WALL SOCKET PK PRATIKA SCREW 32A IP44 22, industrial use, Schneider Electric brand, 100% newSCHNEIDER ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES SAS20PCE145.182ItalyNA
3/28/202485381019(MIP22212) Electrical cabinet enclosure 400VAC, 63A - MODULAR ENCL. MINIPRAGMA 2R 12M FLUSH FD, unmounted, used to protect electrical cabinets in industry and civil use, Schneider Electric brand, 100% newSCHNEIDER ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES SAS80PCE1356.272ItalyNA
3/28/202485381019(MIP22104) 4-way wall-mounted electrical cabinet, 63A 400VAC, no equipment installed - MODULAR ENCL. MINIPRAGMA 1R 4M FLUSH FD, used to protect electrical cabinets in industry and civil use, Schneider Electric brandSCHNEIDER ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES SAS45PCE463.4505ItalyNA
3/28/202474122020Wall mounted installation part, used to connect faucets and pipes, size 180 x 70 mm made of brass and plastic, brand Duravit, model: GK1900002000, 100% newDURAVIT ASIA LTD2PCE472.402ItalyNA
3/28/202485381019(MIP22104) 4-way wall-mounted electrical cabinet, 63A 400VAC, no equipment installed - MODULAR ENCL. MINIPRAGMA 1R 4M FLUSH FD, used to protect electrical cabinets in industry and civil use, Schneider Electric brandSCHNEIDER ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES SAS45PCE463.4505ItalyNA
3/28/202483024190BT897#&Baz wall-mounted 897 - Hanging brackets 897 (used in interior wood products)VICTORY HARDWARE CO LTD1300PCE1841.06ItalyNA
3/28/202485381019(MIP22104) 4-way wall-mounted electrical cabinet, 63A 400VAC, no equipment installed - MODULAR ENCL. MINIPRAGMA 1R 4M FLUSH FD, used to protect electrical cabinets in industry and civil use, Schneider Electric brandSCHNEIDER ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES SAS45PCE463.4505ItalyNA
3/28/202485381019(MIP22212) Electrical cabinet enclosure 400VAC, 63A - MODULAR ENCL. MINIPRAGMA 2R 12M FLUSH FD, unmounted, used to protect electrical cabinets in industry and civil use, Schneider Electric brand, 100% newSCHNEIDER ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES SAS20PCE339.068ItalyNA
3/28/202485381019(MIP22212) Electrical cabinet enclosure 400VAC, 63A - MODULAR ENCL. MINIPRAGMA 2R 12M FLUSH FD, unmounted, used to protect electrical cabinets in industry and civil use, Schneider Electric brand, 100% newSCHNEIDER ELECTRIC INDUSTRIES SAS180PCE3051.612ItalyNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Wall flush Import Data of Vietnamfrom Italy. We collect Wall flush Import Data of Vietnam from Italy with product and date. Wall flush ImportData of Vietnam from Italy helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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