Get Latest Vietnam Super bike Import Data from Thailand

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/31/202416055410Super Spicy Seafood Spiced Squid Snack Bento -Squid Seafood Snack Super Spicy Seafood Flavor (Squid Mixed Surimi Seafood flavour) (Bento Brand)(1Carton = 3packs x 12bags x 18g)CAC TRADING THAILAND CO LTD250UNK3892.5ThailandNA
3/30/20245107100045001391#&Combed wool yarn, not put up for retail sale, 100% RWS WOOL SUPER WASH WAXED RAW WHITE YARN ON CONE 2/72NM 18.9 MIC Z730/S350; UNDYED, used for textiles (Belongs to dh_3,tk_104365436230)YOUNGONE NAMDINH COLTD0.18KGM4.945194ThailandNA
3/29/202439021040KDTC-9000#&Super clean Genesis G3C. 100% new item#&THCONG TY TNHH ARCTECH100KGM730ThailandNA
3/29/202438244000Grout, Hicem Brand (Hicem Microkiller - Super Black Granitto) (1 box = 24 bags x 1 kg) 100% newSUKASAEMWATTANA COLTD120KGM96.108ThailandNA
3/29/202472107019Non-alloy steel, thickness from 0.20mm (<1.5mm), width*length: 849*1079mm, one side covered with anti-rust varnish, used for can shells. (Carbon<0.6%). Front side printed: OEXPO CODY SUPER GOLD 875 ML. New 100%NUMWATTANA PACK and PRINT COLTD661KGM1619.1195ThailandNA
3/28/202468042200Synthetic grinding wheel made of 4mm thick agglomerated grinding material, mounted on a 350mm round steel frame, without reinforcement - Super Abrasive Grinding Wheel 350D-15U-4X-127H-38T-222J BN400N100BS41-4 (100% new, Brand ALMT )ALMT THAI LAND COLTD1PCE807.865ThailandNA
3/28/202468042200Synthetic grinding wheel made of 3mm thick agglomerated grinding material, mounted on a 305mm round steel frame, without reinforcement - Super Abrasive Grinding Wheel 305D-10U-3X-127H-25T-220J BN400N100BS41-3 (100% new, Brand ALMT )ALMT THAI LAND COLTD1PCE528.22ThailandNA
3/28/202421069030Super Lion brand non-dairy creamer powder - Super Lion Non Dairy Creamer (100% new product) (25Kg/bag). Expiry date: February 12, 2026KORN THAI CO LTD20000KGM41104ThailandNA
3/28/202439021040Super Clean Genesis. New 100%CONG TY TNHH ARC TECH750KGM4425ThailandNA
3/28/202416055410Super Spicy Seafood Spiced Squid Snack Bento -Squid Seafood Snack Super Spicy Seafood Flavor (Squid Mixed Surimi Seafood flavour) (Bento Brand)(1Carton = 3packs x 12bags x 18g)CAC TRADING THAILAND CO LTD100UNK1557ThailandNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Super bike Import Data of Vietnamfrom Thailand. We collect Super bike Import Data of Vietnam from Thailand with product and date. Super bike ImportData of Vietnam from Thailand helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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