Get Latest Vietnam Solder lug Import Data from Taiwan

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3/30/202485389012CONN RF SHIELD 0.65" X 0.65" Incomplete Connector SOLDER BMI-S-202-F. New 100%MOUSER ELECTRONICS INC10PCE17TaiwanNA
3/29/202485414100Light-emitting diode, solder paste type, voltage 3.3V-20mA LED XPG111C-TRTONE TECK CORPORATION100PCE51.98TaiwanNA
3/29/202483113099SOLDER BAR#&DGNSNAG0301HF#&Solder bar used in the production of electronic circuit boards, 100% new.SHENMAO TECHNOLOGY THAILAND CO LTD300KGM9150TaiwanNA
3/29/202483113099SOLDER BAR#&DGNSAC0307PF62900HF#&Solder bar used in the production of electronic circuit boards, 100% new.SHENMAO TECHNOLOGY THAILAND CO LTD2500KGM76250TaiwanNA
3/29/202480030090FY059#&Solder wire (tin in wire form) ALPHA Telecore Plus Flux (SAC305), including: tin 80-100%(7440-31-5), silver 1-10%(7440-22-4), Proprietary Rosin/Resin 1-10%(65997-06-0),5C0102000-HN3-GALPHA ASSEMBLY SOLUTIONS100KGM10037.7TaiwanNA
3/28/202483113099-#&Solder balls 0.30mm, composition Sn96.5 Ag3.0 Cu0.5 (solder balls), 100% newCONG TY TNHH CONG NGHIEP ANT TECH2UNA52.824TaiwanNA
3/28/202473182400CT091B#&Positioning pin (iron, used to thread bicycle brake lines)-CT091B Stop lug, 100% newVIP COMPOSITES COLTD1097PCE2264.4274TaiwanNA
3/28/202490278990Solder paste adhesion meter, brand: TRI, model: TR7007LD Plus, model: T2002910397-001, 200-240V/3KVA, production year 2024, 100% new productTEST RESEARCH INC1SET76000TaiwanNA
3/28/202485366932Plug used for printed circuits 0732510552, current below 16A. Manufacturer: Molex. Uses: Used to solder onto printed circuits, 100% new productDIGIKEY ELECTRONICS11PCE57.0504TaiwanNA
3/28/202480030090NW018#&Lead-free solder wire 77N Sn99.3Cu0.7, Tin 97.3%, Copper 0.7+/-0.1%,Modified Rosin 2%,911-J008-020-YTAIYO ENTERPRISES LIMITED100KGM2822TaiwanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Solder lug Import Data of Vietnamfrom Taiwan. We collect Solder lug Import Data of Vietnam from Taiwan with product and date. Solder lug ImportData of Vietnam from Taiwan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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