Get Latest Vietnam Pla straw Import Data from Taiwan

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/27/202484522900Industrial sewing machine, 4-needle 6-thread double trimmer, model SL-803-GX-G3-460-DS-PLA-VD, 6.0mm pitch, Shing Ling brand, 220V/550W, set includes machine head, model seamless shaft, control box, 100% new, made in TaiwanSHING LING SEWING MACHINE COLTD10SET20240.8TaiwanNA
3/26/2024391732958" Straw (THIN/RED) (8" Straw (thin/red)) 1000 pieces x 5 packs/carton, 100% newGONG CHA GLOBAL LIMITED20UNK740.364TaiwanNA
3/26/202484099979Colored straw folding cylinder, used to Clamp the straw and move it to the color discharge position (Anti-drip cylinder TN10*70 9.9. for TF all type)DATACOLOR ASIA PACIFIC HK LTD1PCE402.496TaiwanNA
3/26/2024391732958" Straw (THICK/RED) (8" Straw (thick/red)) 400 pieces x 5 packs/carton, 100% newGONG CHA GLOBAL LIMITED80UNK2961.456TaiwanNA
3/22/202439172919SIC-D70001#& WASTE FUNNEL - Plastic straw connector, hard type (100% new)JUKI SINGAPORE PTE LTD20PCE42.728TaiwanNA
3/21/202484522100Shing Ling 4-needle 6-thread bottom hemming machine brand SL-803-GX-G3-452-DS-PLA-VD, capacity: 550W/220V, for industrial sewing industry, set = 3 pieces including: machine head with motor, Control box, machine base with accessories. 100% NewSHING LING SEWING MACHINE CO LTD1SET1505TaiwanNA
3/21/202484522100Shing Ling 4-needle 6-thread bottom hemming machine brand SL-803-GX-G3-460-DS-PLA-VD, capacity: 550W/220V, for industrial sewing industry, set = 3 pieces including: machine head with motor, Control box, machine base with accessories. 100% NewSHING LING SEWING MACHINE CO LTD1SET1505TaiwanNA
3/21/202484522100Shing Ling 4-needle 6-thread bottom hemming machine brand SL-801-GX-G1-452-DS-PLA-VD, capacity: 550W/220V, for industrial sewing industry, set = 3 pieces including: machine head with motor, Control box, machine base with accessories. 100% NewSHING LING SEWING MACHINE CO LTD1SET1505TaiwanNA
3/20/2024845229001A#&Shingling 4-needle sewing machine used in industrial sewing industry, model: SL-701-G1-452/DS/PLA/VD, SX: 2019, origin: Taiwan, used.GARTEX KNITTING FACTORY LIMITED4SET9800TaiwanNA
3/20/2024845229001A#&Shingling 4-needle sewing machine used in industrial sewing industry, model: SL-701-G1-452/DS/PLA/VD, SX: 2019, origin: Taiwan. used.GARTEX KNITTING FACTORY LIMITED10SET24200TaiwanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Pla straw Import Data of Vietnamfrom Taiwan. We collect Pla straw Import Data of Vietnam from Taiwan with product and date. Pla straw ImportData of Vietnam from Taiwan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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