Get Latest Vietnam Pigments Import Data from India

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3/30/202432041290TTL-004#&Preparations made from organic pigments (mordant dyes) used in leather production.TTM:Melioderm HF Beige D.CAS:102980-04-1;7757-82-6-Exported goods transferred to MDSD 1 NPL section from item 1,105798634320(10/18/23)CONG TY TNHH TRANSASIA TANTEC0.44KGM4.29IndiaNA
3/30/202432041290TTL-004#&Preparations made from organic pigments (mordant dyes), Commercial name: Viliocor Black RS, CAS: 201792-73-6, 7757-82-6 - Exported goods transferred to MDSD with 1 part NPL from item 1 , Account 105910018430/E31 November 27, 2023CONG TY TNHH TRANSASIA TANTEC13.04KGM66.2758IndiaNA
3/30/202432041290TTL-004#&Preparations made from organic pigments (mordant dyes), Commercial name: Viliocor Black RS, CAS: 201792-73-6, 7757-82-6 - Exported goods transferred to MDSD with 1 part NPL from item 1 , Account 105910018430/E31 November 27, 2023CONG TY TNHH TRANSASIA TANTEC13.04KGM66.2758IndiaNA
3/30/202432041290TTL-004#&Preparations made from organic pigments (mordant dyes), Trade name: Viliocor Fast Gray GB, CAS: 68912-09-4,7757-82-6,7732-18-5- Exported goods MDSD 1 part NPL from item 1, Account 105705242640/E31 09/09/23CONG TY TNHH TRANSASIA TANTEC0.57KGM4.3035IndiaNA
3/30/202432041290TTL-004#&Preparations made from organic pigments (mordant dyes) used in leather production.TTM:Melioderm HF Beige D.CAS:102980-04-1;7757-82-6-Exported goods transferred to MDSD 1 NPL section from item 1,105798634320(10/18/23)CONG TY TNHH TRANSASIA TANTEC0.44KGM4.29IndiaNA
3/30/202432041290TTL-004#&Preparations made from organic pigments (mordant dyes), Trade name: Viliocor Fast Gray GB, CAS: 68912-09-4,7757-82-6,7732-18-5- Exported goods MDSD 1 part NPL from item 1, Account 105705242640/E31 09/09/23CONG TY TNHH TRANSASIA TANTEC0.57KGM4.3035IndiaNA
3/28/202432041710Synthetic organic pigments in powder form used in the plastic industry. Pigment Violet 6270 . Purple powder. CAS: 12237-62-6K PATEL CHEMO PHARMA PRIVATE LIMITED900KGM7740IndiaNA
3/27/202432041710ULTRAMARINE BLUE PIGMENTS GRADE 2936 (Color used in the plastic industry), 100% new,RS PIGMENTS10000KGM40250IndiaNA
3/25/202432064190Raw materials for producing printing ink: Ultramarine Blue 1505 pigment (100grm/bag), brand: RS Pigments. New 100%RSPIGMENTS0.5KGM6.6IndiaNA
3/25/202432064190Raw materials for producing printing ink: Ultramarine Blue 2942 pigment (100grm/bag), brand: RS Pigments. New 100%RSPIGMENTS1KGM6.6IndiaNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Pigments Import Data of Vietnamfrom India. We collect Pigments Import Data of Vietnam from India with product and date. Pigments ImportData of Vietnam from India helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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