3/30/2024 | 27101944 | CS-GREASE#&Cream oil (grease form, cream color, used to lubricate grout) Grease / Item No. Pyronoc Universal N6C (16kg/can), (Not directly involved in the product production process) 100% new | UCHIYAMA MANUFACTURING CORP | 144 | KGM | 753.3792 | Japan | NA |
3/30/2024 | 34039990 | CS-M.RLSAGENT#&Mold Release Agent / Item No. Frelease PH300 (15kg/can) (Not directly involved in the product production process) (food ingredients in the detailed value declaration box), 100% new | UCHIYAMA MANUFACTURING CORP | 30 | KGM | 1186.332 | Japan | NA |
3/30/2024 | 34031990 | RAC31899401#&DOWSIL SC-102 lubricating product solid form, main ingredients Zinc oxide 70%, Methyldodecyl, methyl(2-phenylpropyl) siloxane 30%, net weight 1 KG/CAN-IVIDIV(RAC31899401) | SERVEONE VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED | 20 | KGM | 810.564 | Japan | NA |
3/30/2024 | 22060020 | Sake (Kappa-can Junmaiginzo) - 180ml/can - 14 degrees. Brand: Kizakura. Sample product, 100% new | KIZAKURA COLTD | 3 | UNL | 8.1267 | Japan | NA |
3/30/2024 | 34039990 | CS-M.RLSAGENT#&Mold Release Agent /Item No.Noxfree F-162E (16kg/can) (CAS: 7732-18-5) 94-97% (Not directly involved in the product production process) 100% New | UCHIYAMA MANUFACTURING CORP | 176 | KGM | 4992.8912 | Japan | NA |
3/30/2024 | 38221900 | Oxygen O2 rapid detection tube, scale: 3 - 24%, Gastec. Model: No.31B. Code: 9-800-91. 10 tubes/box. 100% new product, not for medical use | AS ONE CORPORATION | 2 | UNK | 31.3076 | Japan | NA |
3/30/2024 | 22060020 | Sake (Kappa-can Daiginzo) - 180ml/can - 14 degrees. Brand: Kizakura. Sample product, 100% new | KIZAKURA COLTD | 3 | UNL | 10.8354 | Japan | NA |
3/30/2024 | 35069900 | CS-ASA#&Chemlok LJ203A adhesive(3.36 kg/can)(CAS:78-93-3(20%),29661-89-0(35%),67-56-1(45%),108- 95-2(5%)),(GPNKTC:12204/TCCN2023/GP-HC),(KBHC:HC2024459307),(Does not add directly to the production process) | UCHIYAMA MANUFACTURING CORP | 80.64 | KGM | 3329.883648 | Japan | NA |
3/30/2024 | 34025012 | Detergent_METALNOX M6324US, 25L/Can (product surface cleaning product after processing, liquid form). New 100% | CONG TY TNHH THUONG MAI SUNRISE VIET NAM | 25 | LTR | 1035.0675 | Japan | NA |
3/30/2024 | 35069900 | EGX0112103 B42#&Glue (can/1kg), 100% New | NISHI TOKYO CHEMIX CORPORATION | 1 | UNL | 255.172 | Japan | NA |