Get Latest Vietnam Little one Import Data from Japan

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3/30/202485013160(MS: KB8M6737X) Front wiper motor (one-way type) with capacity of 60 W for passenger car brand CX-8 IPM 2.5L PREMIUM AT 2WD, 7 seats. 100% new, manufactured in 2024.MAZDA MOTOR CORPORATION20PCE95.072JapanNA
3/30/202459031090Polyester woven fabric, one side laminated with PVC (Polyvinyl chloride), woven fabric layer accounts for 54.5%, PVC layer accounts for 45.5%, size 122cm, roll / cloth (L-8336, W=122cm). New 100%OLIVER CORPORATION18MTR153.72JapanNA
3/30/202449111090Catalog introduces Ishida COSMO ONE series metal detectorsISHIDA CO LTD200UNN6.54JapanNA
3/30/202484813090(MS: GHP958867) Drainage one-way valve on the rear trunk used for MAZDA passenger cars, capacity of 2.5L or less. 100% new, manufactured in 2024.OSAKA RASHI HAMBAI COLTD4000PCE293.2JapanNA
3/30/202485013160(MS: K13167450A) Rear wiper motor (one-way type) with capacity of 60 W for passenger car brand CX-8 IPM 2.5L PREMIUM AT 2WD, 7 seats. 100% new, manufactured in 2024.MAZDA MOTOR CORPORATION20PCE225.832JapanNA
3/30/202485044090Analog-to-digital converter AJ65VBTCU-68ADVN, 10A, 24VDC, used to convert alternating current at one frequency into alternating current at another frequency, 100% newXIN YAN INDUSTRIAL LIMITED8PCE1200JapanNA
3/30/202484186990Water circulation refrigeration equipment, solution model: LTC-450, capacity 4.5l, cooling capacity: 450W, voltage: 100VAC, dimension: 218 x 430 x 563mm, product code: 1-5469-41, Brand: AS ONE, 100% new productCONG TY TNHH LOGATECH VIET NAM1PCE1869.16JapanNA
3/30/202459031090Polyester woven fabric, one side laminated with PVC (Polyvinyl chloride), woven fabric layer accounts for 54.5%, PVC layer accounts for 45.5%, size 122cm, roll / cloth (L-8334, W=122cm). New 100%OLIVER CORPORATION12MTR102.48JapanNA
3/29/202485013160(MS: K13167450A) Rear wiper motor (one-way type) with capacity of 60 W for passenger car brand CX-8 IPM 2.5L PREMIUM AT 4WD, 7 seats. 100% new, manufactured in 2023.MAZDA MOTOR CORPORATION20PCE225.65JapanNA
3/29/202430049089New medicine: TS-One capsule 25. (Tegafur 25.00 mg, Gimeracil 7.25 mg, Oteracil potassium 24.50 mg). Hard Capsules. Box of 4 blisters x 14 tablets. Lot: 3I88B1. Production: September 19, 2023. HD:September 18, 2026. Registration number:VN-20694-17TAIHO PHARMA ASIA PACIFIC PTE LTD1600UNK560544JapanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Little one Import Data of Vietnamfrom Japan. We collect Little one Import Data of Vietnam from Japan with product and date. Little one ImportData of Vietnam from Japan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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