Get Latest Vietnam Lhd Import Data from China

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/28/202487032351Ambulance car with accessories, brand:FORD, type:TRANSIT, LHD MT (V362), White Color; Ambulance Model:GDL5031XJH, gasoline engine, 5MT, 4x2, capacity 1997cc, production year 2023, 100% newAUSTRALIA XINYUAN SPECIAL VEHICLE PTY LTD2PCE66517.8ChinaNA
3/26/202484283390ARES40 slider-shaped fork transfer device, fixed type, used for warehouses, factories, code: 4897, manufacturer: LHD, 100% newTAICANG LHD CO LTD1PCE922.17ChinaNA
3/26/202439269099CCDC#&Fuse protection box TMB-159 CENTER CASE LHD, plastic (Used to evaluate quality when making new molds) 100% newCHANG GANG MOLD CO LTD35PCE105ChinaNA
3/26/202484283390ARES65 slider-shaped fork transfer device, fixed type, used for warehouses, factories, code: 8362, manufacturer: LHD, 100% newTAICANG LHD CO LTD1PCE922.17ChinaNA
3/25/202490251919Thermometer DT1310+LHD-187-1, electrically operated, 1 set = 2 pieces, used to measure temperature on materials, 100% newCONG TY TNHH THUONG MAI DICH VU VAN PHONG PHAM PHU VAN4SET105.648ChinaNA
3/21/202484021919LHD#&Oil steam furnace (Model: YLW-2900SCII, capacity: 2900KW), evaporation capacity 0.52ton/h, working temperature 320oC, design pressure: 0.8MPa=8bar, synchronous product disassembled, year of manufacture: 2024, 100% new.HIGH TECH INTERNATIONAL INDUSTRIAL LIMITED1SET70964ChinaNA
3/21/202470060090M010-000292#&Glass used to protect the screen of audiovisual and entertainment products in cars 992 LHD,, size 332.65*123.07*1.1T, tolerance 0.5mm. New 100%CORNING AUTOMOTIVE GLASS SOLUTIONS HEFEI COLTD3400PCE40497.06ChinaNA
3/16/20248708299531891.0A.VN.EZ#&Front wing set + plastic wind direction adjustment frame - part of car air conditioning vent - CTR REG ASSY-LHD,ANODIZED CRBNSUMMIT POLYMERS HONG KONG COMPANY LIMITED6336PCE35335.872ChinaNA
3/16/20248708299531891.0A.VN.EZ#&Front wing set + plastic wind direction adjustment frame - part of car air conditioning vent - CTR REG ASSY-LHD,ANODIZED CRBNSUMMIT POLYMERS HONG KONG COMPANY LIMITED8640PCE48039.264ChinaNA
3/16/20248708299531891.0A.VN.EZ#&Front wing set + plastic wind direction adjustment frame - part of car air conditioning vent - CTR REG ASSY-LHD,ANODIZED CRBNSUMMIT POLYMERS HONG KONG COMPANY LIMITED6336PCE35370.72ChinaNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Lhd Import Data of Vietnamfrom China. We collect Lhd Import Data of Vietnam from China with product and date. Lhd ImportData of Vietnam from China helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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