Get Latest Vietnam Inline fan Import Data from Japan

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/30/202484145949(MS: TK4861140B) 240W fan set for passenger car brand CX-8 IPM 2.5L PREMIUM AT 2WD, 7 seats. 100% new, manufactured in 2024.MAZDA MOTOR CORPORATION20PCE1138.47JapanNA
3/30/202484145910Cooling fan for control panel IC, Model: LSACF02, brand: MHI, power: 2.4W, voltage: DC 24V, 100% newITOCHU PLANTECH INC8PCE2068.384JapanNA
3/30/202484145949SMTIONSJL50#&Ion blower fan SJ-L005F, Keyence brand, voltage 110-240V, no protective net, used to remove static electricity, quickly balance ions, 100% new, type SMTIONSJL50CONG TY TNHH KEYENCE VIET NAM4PCE2275.496JapanNA
3/30/202484148090Air intake device whose main part is an exhaust fan with hood and activated carbon filter used when welding (Welding fume filter): No.420-1 (voltage 100v), manufacturer: Hakko, new product 100%HAKKO CORPORATION4PCE443.112JapanNA
3/30/202484149029CP2KOP88771#&Ion blower fan blade protection cage, plastic, size: (135x135x10)mm, model OP-88771, Keyence brand, 100% new, type CP2KOP88771CONG TY TNHH KEYENCE VIET NAM11PCE156.4409JapanNA
3/30/202484149029KS plastic fan blades (KS WING(1500), symbols: phi 1400, phi 1600, Item No: 702101984, used for cooling towers, inspected at account number 104255941201. 100% new productKUKEN INDUSTRIES COLTD32PCE960.2528JapanNA
3/30/202439269020Plastic fan cone (NOSE CONE(phi 1600)), symbol: phi 594, Item No: 702900690, used for cooling towers, inspected at account number 104255941201. 100% new productKUKEN INDUSTRIES COLTD8PCE97.4312JapanNA
3/30/202484149029Aluminum fan disc (FAN DISK(ALUMINUM KS 4Z), non-1600, (4Z), non-600), Item No: 702900324, used for cooling towers, inspected at account 104261039740. 100% new productKUKEN INDUSTRIES COLTD8PCE785.4792JapanNA
3/30/202473089099Steel fan protective cover, Size: 50A (FAN SUPPORT CAP), Item No: 702102295, used for cooling towers. 100% new productKUKEN INDUSTRIES COLTD16PCE28.4592JapanNA
3/30/202484145941SMTIONSJF70#&Ion blower fan SJ-F700, Keyence brand, voltage 22VDC, current 1.6A, with protective net, used to eliminate static electricity, quickly balance ions, 100% new, type SMTIONSJF70CONG TY TNHH KEYENCE VIET NAM11PCE7911.42JapanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Inline fan Import Data of Vietnamfrom Japan. We collect Inline fan Import Data of Vietnam from Japan with product and date. Inline fan ImportData of Vietnam from Japan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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