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3/12/202438123900MC100#&Rubber anti-abrasion agent 08.(Siloxans and silicones,di-Me,Me vinyl 65% 67762-94-1; Acetic acid,ethenyl ester,polymer with ethene 30% 24937-78-8; Calcium carbonate 3% 471-34-1;Stearic acid 2%)MACAU XANADU LIMITED5000KGM13658.5ChinaNA
3/11/202435061000FK115#&EH4000MB Glue, including Polyurethane polymer (118106-83-5) 30-50%, Benzene, ethenyl-, polymer with (1-methylethenyl) benzene (9011-11-4) 30-50%, ... (Net weight: 200G/1PCE),946-23260-HB,946-23260-HBVCTTECH ELECTRONIC CO LIMITED900PCE138033ChinaNA
3/4/202439076910Additive particles to increase toughness for PET films, code ZR-3082, TP: Polyethylene terephthalate 93%, Benzene, ethenyl-, polymer with 1,3-butadiene 5%, granular form, packaged 25Kg/bag, 100% newGUANGDONG ZHUOLUTONG SUPPLY CHAIN COLTD10000KGM32000ChinaNA
3/2/202434039990CPG1#&Additive YS1799 Active anti stick agent(TP:Dodecan-1-ol,ethoxylated 9002-92-0;Glucosamine hydrochloride 66-84-2;Acetic acid ethenyl ester,polymer with ethene 24937-78-8;;sd in the shoe factory)UNITED WELL TRADING LTD2000KGM11500ChinaNA
3/1/202439076910660123#&Toughness Plastic Granules PET-ZR3082, TP: Polyethylene terephthalate 93%, Benzene, ethenyl-, polymer with 1,3-butadiene 5%, packaged 25Kg/bag. 100% new(660123)CONG TY TNHH CONG NGHIEP DOANH PHONG1025KGM3987.5575ChinaNA
2/2/202429153990WHITE GLUE H fabric hardener (TPC: Acetic acid ethenyl ester), used in the textile industry, liquid form, CAS code: 9003-20-7, no brand, Manufacturer: Gao Yi (Guangzhou) New Material Co., LTD, 100% new productsGAO YI GUANGZHOU XINCAILIAO COLTD 2500KGM5460.5ChinaNA
2/2/202435069900M001#&Hot Melt Glue (stick form from Polymer of acetic acid ethenyl ester- ethene), used for shoe production.JOINMAX GLOBAL LIMITED30KGM68.745ChinaNA
1/29/202435061000FK115#&EH4000MB Glue, including Polyurethane polymer (118106-83-5) 30-50%, Benzene, ethenyl-, polymer with (1-methylethenyl) benzene (9011-11-4) 30-50%, ... (Net weight: 200G/1PCE),946-23260-HB,946-23260-HBVCTTECH ELECTRONIC CO LIMITED900Pieces138033ChinaNA
1/27/202435069900ADH#&Packaging glue, ingredients: 76% Acetic acid, ethenyl ester, polymer with ethene CAS:24937-78-8; 20% Styrene-acryliclatex CAS:25085-34-1 / Adhesion 9926 / ADH0025 / PO36232GREENCHARM HESHAN ADHESIVES and COATINGS CO LTD1000Kilograms2150ChinaNA
1/26/202435069900M001#&Hot Melt Glue (stick form from Polymer of acetic acid ethenyl ester- ethene) 11mm*300mm, used for shoe production.JOINMAX GLOBAL LIMITED50Kilograms114.975ChinaNA

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