Get Latest Vietnam Dog chews Import Data from Hong kong

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

2/1/202484529099BL#& Sewing machine spare parts: Iron feed dog (New Long #014291 FEED DOG). 100% new productWONG PO WAH SEWING MACHINE CO LTD10PCE383Hong KongNA
1/26/202484529099Feed Dog AEE12.5E - part of industrial sewing machine, used to push fabric, material made of steel, size 2*1.8*0.5cm, 100% new productITSUWA HONG KONG LIMITED3Pieces108Hong KongCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/22/20248308909039#&Steel metal hook (unbranded) CHW-005-1.5 DOG CLIP ONLY_38MM (used for processing camping products, backpacks, bags). New 100%AEROTACT CORPORATION386Pieces617.6Hong KongHO CHI MINH
1/22/20248308909039#&Steel metal hook (unbranded) CHW-005-2 DOG CLIP ONLY_51MM (used for processing camping products, backpacks, bags). New 100%AEROTACT CORPORATION60Pieces99Hong KongHO CHI MINH
1/18/20248308909039#&Steel metal hook (unbranded) CHW-005-2 DOG CLIP ONLY_51MM (used for processing camping products, backpacks, bags). New 100%AEROTACT CORPORATION300Pieces495Hong KongHO CHI MINH
1/18/20248308909039#&Steel metal hook (unbranded) CHW-005-1.5 DOG CLIP ONLY_38MM (used for processing camping products, backpacks, bags). New 100%AEROTACT CORPORATION1260Pieces2016Hong KongHO CHI MINH
1/18/20248308909039#&Steel metal hook (unbranded) CHW-005-1.5 DOG CLIP ONLY_38MM (used for processing camping products, backpacks, bags). New 100%AEROTACT CORPORATION900Pieces1440Hong KongHO CHI MINH
1/18/20248308909039#&Steel metal hook (unbranded) CHW-005-2 DOG CLIP ONLY_51MM (used for processing camping products, backpacks, bags). New 100%AEROTACT CORPORATION514Pieces848.1Hong KongHO CHI MINH
1/16/202483081000JV018#&Finished steel alloy hook, size: (15x42x7)mm, used for backpacks and bags (ZINC ALLOY DOG HOOK WTTH D RING-ADDING C RING TPLG-DHD003 MATT NICKEL). New 100%HAN SUNG METAL COLTD1480Pieces560.92Hong KongCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/16/202484529099Industrial sewing machine saw teeth. JUT M02316DD4 SEWING FEED DOG. 100% NewTUNG SHING SEWING MACHINE COLTD5Pieces26Hong KongKHO CFS CAT LAI

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Dog chews Import Data of Vietnamfrom Hong kong. We collect Dog chews Import Data of Vietnam from Hong kong with product and date. Dog chews ImportData of Vietnam from Hong kong helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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