Get Latest Vietnam Broadcasting equipment Import Data from Japan

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/31/202485299040Optical signal central processing equipment specialized for cameras, symbol: BSF-300L. SN: AB49069E, AB49070E, brand: Ikegam, warranty product (does not contain civil codes, does not receive and receive broadcasts), exported Origin:JapanIKEGAMI TSUSHINKI COLTD PRODUCT CENTER2PCE8000JapanNA
3/31/202490258000Temperature measuring device, model: SK-8920, used to measure temperature for industrial equipment, operated by electricity, brand: SATO, 100% new productSUGIMOTO and CO LTD1PCE71.0094JapanNA
3/31/202490258000Temperature measuring device, model: CTH-230, used to measure temperature for industrial equipment, operated by electricity, brand: CUSTOM, 100% new productSUGIMOTO and CO LTD30PCE472.719JapanNA
3/31/202490258000Temperature measuring device, model: ST-50A, used to measure temperature for industrial equipment, operated by electricity, brand: SEKONIC, 100% new productSUGIMOTO and CO LTD1PCE528.851JapanNA
3/31/202490258000Temperature measuring device, model: SK-110TRH-B-EX, used to measure temperature for industrial equipment, operated by electricity, brand: SATO, 100% new productSUGIMOTO and CO LTD2PCE205.59JapanNA
3/30/202470071110(MS: KD7J73510) Tempered safety glass for rear door, left, frameless, no other equipment attached (NH: NIPPON SAFETY, KD7J-72510) for passenger cars brand CX-8 IPM 2.5L PREMIUM AT 2WD, 7 seats. 100% new, manufactured in 2024.MAZDA MOTOR CORPORATION20PCE146.982JapanNA
3/30/202440169999701020121475#&Rubber sheet, used to make cushions for equipment and tools in the factory, size: 100x200x1mm, 100% new, 701020121475CONG TY TNHH MISUMI VIET NAM10PCE63.953JapanNA
3/30/202440169999Rubber sheet (used to make cushions for equipment and tools in the factory, 16x13x0.5mm), 100% new, brand: MISUMI, code: RBLMF0.5-16-13MISUMI CORPORATION1PCE1.3609JapanNA
3/30/202485369012VM-SYM-01T-P0.5A#& Terminal used to connect wires and electrical equipment with voltage under 1000V and current under 16A, 100% newHONG KONG TACHIBANA ELECTRONICS COLTD200000PCE1920JapanNA
3/30/202490269000Temperature sensor, part of furnace temperature testing equipment, model: KHC-P. Manufacturer: MALCOM. New 100%CONG TY TNHH YAMAZEN VIETNAM10PCE268.184JapanNA

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