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3/31/202484143040Air compressor used for refrigeration equipment model SP6H5000, cooling capacity 50HP (37.2kw), 380V/50Hz, without compressor included, brand REFCOMP. 100% NewCONG TY TNHH GETECH VIET NAM2PCE7736.7ChinaNA
3/31/202472165019.#&C-shaped steel, non-alloy steel material, not processed beyond cold rolling. Carbon content: 0.1% by weight. length*width*height*thickness: 3000*41*21*2 ( mm) used to install equipment. 100% newGUANGDONG JIANGCHUAN DISTRICT ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY CO LTD10PCE30ChinaNA
3/31/202490303390DT02# & Electrostatic testing equipment, used to check static electricity on workers, brand: DR.SGLNDSIER.PC, model: SL-031, voltage: 12V-1A, year of manufacture: 2024. new item# &CNCONG TY TNHH PHAT TRIEN KY THUAT HONG THINH VIET NAM1SET239.334ChinaNA
3/31/202473239310Stainless steel kitchen rack, tabletop type, size (30 x 21 x 18)cm +/-10%. Manufacturer: Shandong Nelson Storage Equipment Co., Ltd. 100% NewGUANGXI PINGXIANG GUANGFENG IMPORT AND EXPORT TRADE CO LTD800PCE480ChinaNA
3/31/202484148049Permanent magnetic inverter screw air compressor, model: JS-100AV (not used for refrigeration equipment, not installed on a frame with moving wheels) L/L: 13.3M3/min, air pressure 0.8Mpa, cs 75kw, 380v electricity, 2024 year, 100% newPINGXIANG CITY DONG RUI IMP and EXP COLTD2PCE9900ChinaNA
3/31/202484818099.#&G1/4 needle valve, 304 stainless steel material, used to open and close oil tanks, inner diameter 0.6cm, manufacturer: Nanjing Kaizhisheng Mechanical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd, 100% new#&CN,339963671CONG TY TNHH CONG NGHIEP VA THUONG MAI HOSUNG VIET NAM5PCE30.4755ChinaNA
3/31/202485444295Plastic-coated power cord for audio equipment, wire length 50m+/-10cm, wire core diameter 5.5mm+/-10%, current 220V. Manufacturer:SHENGYIHENG TRADE CO LIMITED. 100% NewSHENGYIHENG TRADE CO LIMITED25ROL125ChinaNA
3/31/202484659960Wood cutting machine (fixed type) model: DM-A4, capacity: 15KW/380V, used product, manufactured in 2018. Manufacturer: Jinan Dimai Machine Equipment Co.,LtdGUANGXI PINGXIANG SHENG JIA IMPORT and EXPORT COLTD2PCE820ChinaNA
3/31/2024847780106101000031#&Small angle cutting machine for rubber materials (used to cut rubber tire tread), manufacturer: Guilin Zhonghao Mech & Elec Equipment Co., Ltd, no brand, model XCG-4200, voltage 380V, 100% newSHANDONG JINYU RUBBER TECHNOLOGY COLTD1SET754817ChinaNA
3/31/202484289090Automatic material handling equipment (Load Feeder), Model: E-GD-220001G, capacity: 2.2KW, voltage: 220V, Manufacture: 2022, HSX: GUANGDONG TOPSTAR TECHNOLOGY CO LTD, DQSD, 1FSHO30057, HFJSM -8310SHENZHEN FUTAIHONG PRECISION INDUSTRIAL CO LTD1PCE11191ChinaNA

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