Get Latest Vietnam Autonics Import Data from China

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3/30/202485414900.#&Optical sensor, model BJ100-DDT, Autonics brand, voltage 12-24VDC, current <30mA, detection distance 100mm, used to detect objects on the production line, 100% newCONG TY TNHH SAMSOO VINA12PCE316.944ChinaNA
3/29/202490314990Optical sensor BYD50-DDT-T, voltage 12-24V, used to identify products in the component production line, Autonics company. New 100%GUANGZHOU HENGSONG AUTOMATION TECHNOLOGY CO LTD10PCE179.731ChinaNA
3/29/202490318090Plastic shell area sensor, used to detect objects, 20 pairs of eyes, detection range 380mm, length 400mm, model: BWP20-20, Maker: AUTONICS. New 100%CONG TY CO PHAN KY THUAT VA THUONG MAI TOAN CAU MT2PCE436.814ChinaNA
3/29/202485437090.#&Sensor QL-05, voltage 12-24VDC, capable of detecting and reacting when objects are near the sensor, 100% new, brand Autonics#&CNCONG TY TNHH PHUC THAI BAC NINH20PCE89.394ChinaNA
3/28/202485414900Autonics BEN10M-TFR optical sensor, 7m, for counting stairs, used for elevators, AUTONICS brand, 100% new productTK ELEVATOR CHINA CO LTD1PCE35.5672ChinaNA
3/28/202485480000CC-248#&Sensor from PR08-2DN Autonics, voltage: 220V, 100% new, code QLNB-65116000001501CONG TY TNHH DIEN MAY NGU KIM VU LONG100PCE731.41ChinaNA
3/27/202490291090704020130002#&Rotary encoder for measuring motor speed, model E40H8-3600-3-N-24, brand AUTONICS, voltage 12-24VDC, wire length 250MM, 100% new, 704020130002NANNING GOERTEK TRADING CO LTD1PCE53.67ChinaNA
3/26/202490318090Optical sensor BF5R-D1-N, used to check and detect goods distance, voltage 12-24VDC, Autonics brand, 100% new.SHANGHAI HUANXI ELECTRIC TRADING CO LTD1PCE32.0909ChinaNA
3/26/202490318090Proximity sensor, model: PRDT18-7DO, 2-wire DC 12-24VDC, brand: Autonics, 100% newGUANGXI PINGXIANG SHUNHONG IMPORT AND EXPORT TRADE COLTD3PCE31.1325ChinaNA
3/26/202490318090Proximity sensor, model: PRD18-14DP2, DC 3-wire 12-24VDC, brand: Autonics, 100% newGUANGXI PINGXIANG SHUNHONG IMPORT AND EXPORT TRADE COLTD10PCE91.322ChinaNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Autonics Import Data of Vietnamfrom China. We collect Autonics Import Data of Vietnam from China with product and date. Autonics ImportData of Vietnam from China helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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