Get Latest Vietnam Acid methoxyphenol Import Data from China

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3/31/2024320412101010001#&Acid dye, powder - Acid Red PAS 200%, cas code: 12220-47-2, brand: FILO, used in the production of fabric, yarn, woven rope, woven elastic band, 100% newZHANGJIAGANG FREE TRADE ZONE FILO CHEMICAL CO.,LTD100KGM1524ChinaNA
3/31/202431022100FERTILIZER SA (AMONIUMSULPHATE) (NH4)2SO4 . Nts: 20.5%, S: 23.5%, free acid: 1%, moisture: 1% Weight 50kg/bag produced by TQSCONG TY HUU HAN THUONG MAI CAM THANG HA KHAU390000KGM78234ChinaNA
3/31/2024320412101010001#&Acid dye, powder - ACID BLUE SPA 200%, cas code: 12392-64-2, brand: FILO, used in the production of fabric, yarn, woven rope, woven elastic band, 100% newZHANGJIAGANG FREE TRADE ZONE FILO CHEMICAL CO.,LTD100KGM965ChinaNA
3/31/2024320412101010001#&Acid dye, powder form - Acid Blue PAS 200%, cas code: 71872-19-0, brand: FILO, used in the production of fabric, yarn, woven rope, woven elastic band, 100% newZHANGJIAGANG FREE TRADE ZONE FILO CHEMICAL CO.,LTD150KGM1594.5ChinaNA
3/31/2024320412101010001#&Acid dye, powder form - Acid Blue PAS 200%, cas code: 71872-19-0, brand: FILO, used in the production of fabric, yarn, woven rope, woven elastic band, 100% newZHANGJIAGANG FREE TRADE ZONE FILO CHEMICAL CO.,LTD150KGM1594.5ChinaNA
3/31/2024320412101010001#&Acid dye, powder - ACID BLUE SPA 200%, cas code: 12392-64-2, brand: FILO, used in the production of fabric, yarn, woven rope, woven elastic band, 100% newZHANGJIAGANG FREE TRADE ZONE FILO CHEMICAL CO.,LTD100KGM965ChinaNA
3/31/2024320412101010001#&Acid dye, powder form - Acid Yellow PAS 200%, cas code: 71603-79-7, brand: FILO, used in the production of fabric, yarn, woven rope, woven elastic band, 100% newZHANGJIAGANG FREE TRADE ZONE FILO CHEMICAL CO.,LTD150KGM1531.5ChinaNA
3/31/202434025092Washing machine drum cleaning tablets (tablet form). Ingredients: Sodium metabisulphate, sodium perchlorate, citric acid, sodium silicate, sodium chloride, colorants and additives (retail packaging: 180g/box), 100% newGUANGXI PINGXIANG GUANGFENG IMPORT AND EXPORT TRADE CO. , LTD45KGM36ChinaNA
3/31/202431031990Superphosphate rich fertilizer (HCC-SUPERP22), Effective Phosphorus (P2O5hh):22%; Free acid (converted to P2O5tđ): 4%; Sulfur (S): 2% ; Moisture (solid): 12%, Density (liquid): 1.25, pHH2o (liquid) 3.5 .50kg/bag, manufactured by TQSHANGZHOU JIAHANG TRADING CO.,LTD320000KGM26560ChinaNA
3/31/2024320412101010001#&Acid dye, powder form - Acid Yellow PAS 200%, cas code: 71603-79-7, brand: FILO, used in the production of fabric, yarn, woven rope, woven elastic band, 100% newZHANGJIAGANG FREE TRADE ZONE FILO CHEMICAL CO.,LTD150KGM1531.5ChinaNA

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