Get Latest Vietnam Acetic anhydride Import Data from Taiwan

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3/29/202429153990PROPYLENE GLYCOL METHYL ETHER ACETATE PMA (ester of acetic acid, liquid form) GD:2022/TB-PTPL (September 11, 2015), glue manufacturerNANPAO RESINS CHEMICAL CO.,LTD800KGM2832TaiwanNA
3/29/202429152100RMHC-020#&MA11260138#&Chemical Acetic Acid (CH3COOH), cas: 64-19-7 . New 100%CONG TY TNHH KHOA HOC VA CONG NGHE QUOC TE LIEM CHINH5160KGM5094.984TaiwanNA
3/27/20243901909051M#&Plastics (51M#&Plastics (Light Weight and High Rebound EVA MATERIAL CMP-1545-BP3 Ethylene acetic acid,Vinyl ester copolymer(24937-78-8); Copolymer(26221-73-8); ))CHAMPION GLORY TRADING LIMITED3500KGM17290TaiwanNA
3/27/202429152100NLC0011#&Chemical ACETIC ACID 99% (CH3COOH) (TP: Acetic acid). CAS: 64-19-7, liquid, 1000kg/tank, unbranded, fabric color fixer used in textile dyeing industry, 100% newCONG TY CP XUAT NHAP KHAU HOA CHAT TAN PHU CUONG8000KGM4420.8TaiwanNA
3/27/202429171400Man Monomer: Maleic anhydride 100% (CAS:108-31-6). 100% NewNAN PAO RESINS CHEMICAL CO.,LTD75KGM198TaiwanNA
3/27/20243901909051M#&Plastics (51M#&Plastics (Light Weight and High Rebound EVA MATERIAL CMP-1545-BP3 Ethylene acetic acid,Vinyl ester copolymer(24937-78-8); Copolymer(26221-73-8); ))CHAMPION GLORY TRADING LIMITED2150KGM10621TaiwanNA
3/25/202438099110FABRIC SOFTWARE PREPARATION - TEXTILE CHEMICAL - MEISILICONE SF (parts: crystalline silicon, solvent: Acetic acid - CAS: 64-19-7, goods for production in the textile industry, 100% new) GPNK SO : 3503GLOBAL SHINE TRADING CO., LTD240KGM1718.592TaiwanNA
3/25/202438099190NPL07#&Fixing agent for textile industry, Condensed acetic acid of Phenol sulfonate in water, Water. ITRI-N-30 NEW (CAS:69961-73-5; 7732-18-5).100% new.INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE2400KGM4944TaiwanNA
3/22/202429152100Chemicals used in the textile and dyeing industry GLACIAL ACETIC ACID 99% (CH3COOH), (30 KG/POLYCAN), Case number: 64-19-7, 100% new product. (Industry code 2011- basic chemicals)CHANG CHUN PETROCHEMICAL CO., LTD.19200KGM13344TaiwanNA
3/21/202429152100PH137#&ACETIC ACID 75% (CH3COOH). CAS: 64-19-7. Liquid. Chemicals used in the textile and dyeing industry, 100% newCONG TY TNHH THUONG MAI DICH VU PHU HUNG NAM2000KGM1076.2TaiwanNA

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