Get Latest Vietnam Import Data of Acetate mixture under HS Code 3824999990

Discover latest Vietnam shipment data of Acetate mixture under HS code 3824999990. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Vietnam Import Data.

3/30/20243824999990Methacrylic acid ester mixture ACRYLIC LIQUID 3000 (TP: METHYL METHACRYLATE INHIBITED; BETA HYDROXYETHYL METHACRYLATE) (1 L/CAN).100% brand new.#&KRXXXXXXXXXX4LTR196.668South KoreaNA
3/29/20243824999990Additive granules used in the plastic industry, uncoated with stearic acid, size 3mm, Vical brand, are a mixture of 70% calcium carbonate and 30% polyethylene. Made in Vietnam, 25kg/bag. 100% new,#&VNXXXXXXXXXX27TNE7484.9994VIETNAMNA
3/29/20243824999990White additive granules used in the plastic industry, product code MF 570AZ. Mixture includes: Plastic, CaCO3, Oil, Zinc... Size 3x3 mm (100% new product made in Vietnam)#&VNXXXXXXXXXX7TNE3864VIETNAMNA
3/29/20243824999990White additive granules used in the plastic industry, code IF-03A. Mixture includes: Plastic, CaCO3, Oil, Zinc... Size 3x3 mm (100% new product made in Vietnam)#&VNXXXXXXXXXX15TNE9000VIETNAMNA
3/28/20243824999990The chemical product is a mixture of sodium and copper salts used in electroplating CUPRACID ULTRA B (25Kg/Can)( bis-(3-sulfopropyl)-disulfide, disodium salt, copper sulphate). 100% brand new #&CNXXXXXXXXXX75KGM827.25VIETNAMNA
3/28/20243824999990Additive granules used in the plastic industry MB170 are a mixture of calcium carbonate, polyethylene and other additives. Particle size 3-4mm. 100% new product. Packed 25kg/bag #&VNXXXXXXXXXX27TNE9794.9007VIETNAMNA
3/28/20243824999990Additive granules used in the plastic industry VMP1 are a mixture of calcium carbonate, polyethylene, and other additives. Particle size 3-4mm. Goods packed in 25kg/bag. 100% new product.#&VNXXXXXXXXXX28TNE6343.3888VIETNAMNA
3/28/20243824999990The chemical product contains GS-MAINTENANCE salt mixture (5KG/CAN)(Ingredients: Sodium Acetate5% and water). 100% new product #&KRXXXXXXXXXX5KGM476.05VIETNAMNA
3/28/20243824999990Chemical product containing salt mixture GS-MAKE UP (Ingredients: Sodium Acetate and water 95%) (5KG/CAN). 100% new product #&KRXXXXXXXXXX5KGM414VIETNAMNA
3/28/20243824999990LIMEX high-performance additive granules used in plastic production, stone powder content accounts for about 80% of the ingredients, product code: PE78-02M. Mixture includes: CaCO3, Plastic, ... Size 1-3mm. 100% new product#&VNXXXXXXXXXX10000KGM5050VIETNAMNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Acetate mixture under HS code 3824999990 Vietnam. We collect Import data of Acetate mixture under HS code 3824999990 with product anddate.Import data of Acetate mixture under HS code 3824999990 Vietnam helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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