Get Latest Vietnam Acer spp Import Data from Usa

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3/29/202444039990SH01#&Unpeeled raw round wood (Hard Maple Logs, Product name: Acer saccharum type 3SC) diameter: 13'' - 20''; Length: 8'-10'(Size: 26,009M3, Value: 566USD, World: 14,721,094USD)EVER HARVEST ASIA PROJECTS LIMITED.26.01MTQ14721.08778USANA
3/28/202444032190Round wood from pine logs, scientific name: Pinus spp, untreated to increase hardness, not under CITES, size: 36cm*11.8m, 100% new, quantity: 137,658 TNE, unit price: 118 USD/TNESHANGHAI FUAO TIMBER INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD137.66TNE16244.01766USANA
3/28/202444032190Round wood from pine logs, scientific name: Pinus spp, untreated to increase hardness, not under CITES, size: 30cm*11.8m, 100% new, quantity: 141,796 MTQ, unit price: 110USD /MTQSHANGHAI FUAO TIMBER INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD141.8MTQ15598USANA
3/28/202408081000Fresh apples (Malus spp) (AUTUMN GLORY WASH) size 113, 125 18 kg/box, 1029 boxesDOMEX SUPERFRESH GROWERS18522KGM22637.5884USANA
3/28/202444079390049#&Maple lumber 1C (like) - Acer saccharum (4/4x7-8"x6'up) not listed in Citation - #&11,569 m3PENN-SYLVAN INTERNATIONAL INC.11.57MTQ8562.50577USANA
3/28/202444079390049#&Maple Prime lumber (like) - Acer saccharum (4/4x7-8"x6'up) not listed in Citation - #&17,993 m3PENN-SYLVAN INTERNATIONAL INC.17.99MTQ17091.90322USANA
3/28/202408081000Fresh apples (Malus spp) (AUTUMN GLORY WASH) size 113, 18 kg/box, 1029 boxesDOMEX SUPERFRESH GROWERS18522KGM22637.5884USANA
3/28/202408081000Fresh apples, WXPR FRESH GALA APPLES, label: CHELAN FRESH, size: 113, scientific name: Malus spp, packed 20 kg/barrel, producer: CHELAN FRESH MARKETING, 100% new product.CHELAN FRESH MARKETING441UNK15346.8USANA
3/28/202408081000Fresh apples (Malus spp) (AUTUMN GLORY WASH) size 100 18 kg/box, 1029 boxesDOMEX SUPERFRESH GROWERS18522KGM24695.3826USANA
3/28/202408081000Fresh apples, GRANNY SMITH APPLE, type: YWAX, size: 100, scientific name: Malus spp, packed 18kg/barrel, producer: GEE WHIZ II,LLC, 100% new product.GEE WHIZ II, LLC1029UNK27062.7USANA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Acer spp Import Data of Vietnamfrom Usa. We collect Acer spp Import Data of Vietnam from Usa with product and date. Acer spp ImportData of Vietnam from Usa helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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