Get Latest Vietnam Ac source Import Data from Taiwan

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3/30/202485423100LGD_0001#&Electronic integrated circuit Source Drive IC controls the power supply for the microchipNOVATEK MICROELECTRONICS CORP. ZHUBEI BRANCH6397PCE41538.9195TaiwanNA
3/30/202485423100LGD_0001#&Electronic integrated circuit Source Drive IC controls the power supply for the microchipNOVATEK MICROELECTRONICS CORP. ZHUBEI BRANCH1000PCE6580.6TaiwanNA
3/30/202485365096Oil level switch of cooling fan gearbox, electrically operated, voltage 250V AC, current 0.7A, model: 520H-041-CBDA-026A, Manufacturer: DOERS, 1 SET = 1 PC. 100% NewDOERS TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION5SET1275.1TaiwanNA
3/30/202485015229Gear reduction box with AC motor, 3 phase, capacity 1.1KW, installed in the dust injection system feed valve, model: CHVM1H-6130-43, Manufacturer: SUMITOMO, 1SET=1PC. 100% NewPO YEH TRADING CO., LTD1SET4200.55TaiwanNA
3/30/202485423100LGD_0001#&Electronic integrated circuit Source Drive IC controls the power supply for the microchipLX SEMICON CO., LTD.5000PCE26450TaiwanNA
3/30/202485015119KT14INEL001#&3-phase AC motor with gearbox, model: G13H400S-30, brand: SESAME - Taiwan, voltage 220/380V, transmission ratio: i=30, capacity: 0.4kw, 100 brand new %CONG TY TNHH TH GREEN TECH VINA1PCE331.166TaiwanNA
3/30/202490303390.#&Multimeter DE-360TRn, uses 1.5V AA battery, used to measure power source, does not include recording device. New 100%#&TWCONG TY TNHH IT SYSTEM1PCE31.6944TaiwanNA
3/30/202485423100LGD_0170#&Electronic integrated circuit Source Drive IC controls the power supply for the circuit of the Display Module used to install display screens in carsLG DISPLAY CO., LTD.49910PCE303951.9TaiwanNA
3/30/202485044030Programmable switching DC power source (rectifier circuit, 100-240VAC source, DC output: 80V, 40.5A, 1080W), GW instek brand, model PSW 80-40.5, 100% new productCONG TY CO PHAN EMIN VIET NAM2PCE3974TaiwanNA
3/30/20244908900050963833#&Decal, 901786 D2437 AC HET TRSF 71X17MM E.TEXTI, DUSTY WHITE, for garments, 100% newE.TEXTINT CORP.1764PCE371.8512TaiwanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Ac source Import Data of Vietnamfrom Taiwan. We collect Ac source Import Data of Vietnam from Taiwan with product and date. Ac source ImportData of Vietnam from Taiwan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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