Get Latest Vietnam Ac machine Import Data from Taiwan

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/31/202456089090Fabric filter for sludge dewatering machine 630*630 (100% new product).YUE SHENG TECH.,INC.60PCE600TaiwanNA
3/31/202439174000-#&V-82020 threaded connector, plastic, outer diameter 3.4cm (CNC milling machine accessory). Product code:V-82020. Brand Vertex, 100% new.#&TWCONG TY TNHH NI VINA25SET264.12TaiwanNA
3/31/202456089090Filter mesh for sludge dewatering machine 470*470*60T. (New 100%).YUE SHENG TECH.,INC.20PCE1300TaiwanNA
3/31/202456089090Fabric filter for sludge dewatering machine 800*800 (100% new product).YUE SHENG TECH.,INC.31PCE341TaiwanNA
3/31/202485049090Brake power supply of inverter used in shoe sole production machine YF-P124 (400V) (Goods used for replacement and warranty). Model: CDBR-4030, Manufacturer: USIN ELECTRIC CORPORATION. New 100%.CHAIN LAUNCH MACHINERY CO., LTD1PCE178.999TaiwanNA
3/31/202456089090Filter mesh for 800*800*60T sludge dewatering machine. (New 100%).YUE SHENG TECH.,INC.30PCE4680TaiwanNA
3/31/202456089090Fabric filter for 500*500 sludge dewatering machine (100% new product).YUE SHENG TECH.,INC.22PCE198TaiwanNA
3/30/202485153990SJ-15A 25K#&Hot blow welding machine, used to weld the top and bottom of TP products, model: SJ-15A 25K, capacity: 15KW, operated by electricity, voltage: 220V, Used goodsFINETECH RESEARCH AND INNOVATION CORPORATION5SET9500TaiwanNA
3/30/202484522900Sewing machine CS-2161, unbranded, used in industry, controlled by foot pedal, shipped domestically under account number 71/NDT. Date: June 13, 2012CONG TY CO PHAN CONG NGHIEP FEDERAL BAY1PCE21.1296TaiwanNA
3/30/202484529099Delivery table, product code: 064151, made of steel, manufactured by EASTOON, bag sewing machine parts, 100% newEASTOON PRODUCTS CO., LTD5PCE79.0875TaiwanNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Ac machine Import Data of Vietnamfrom Taiwan. We collect Ac machine Import Data of Vietnam from Taiwan with product and date. Ac machine ImportData of Vietnam from Taiwan helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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