Get Latest Vietnam Ac cabin Import Data from Indonesia

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/29/202487082999LKLR Suzuki truck, right-hand drive, model SuzukiCarryY4LG4J22/Lot.14,tt810Kg(new 100%)-lower cabin-PANEL COMP,CABIN BACK LOWER-65430-52S10-000PT SUZUKI INDOMOBIL MOTOR48PCE718.704IndonesiaNA
3/29/202487082999LKLR Suzuki truck, right-hand drive, model SuzukiCarryY4LG4J22/Lot.14,tt810Kg(new 100%)-cabin roof panel-PANEL,ROOF-64211-52S00-000PT SUZUKI INDOMOBIL MOTOR48PCE863.8896IndonesiaNA
3/29/202487089980LKLR Suzuki truck, right-hand drive, model SuzukiCarryY4LG4J22/Lot.14,tt810Kg(new 100%)-rear wall support bar-MEMBER,CABIN BACK WINDOW-65421-52S10-000PT SUZUKI INDOMOBIL MOTOR48PCE182.6832IndonesiaNA
3/29/202485185010480W digital amplifier (480W, Power supply 100 - 240 V AC, 50 / 60Hz, A-3248DM, Toa) 480W electric amplifier (100% new product)CONG TY TNHH IMARKET VIET NAM - CHI NHANH HO CHI MINH1PCE1028.81IndonesiaNA
3/29/202487082999LKLR Suzuki truck, right-hand drive, model SuzukiCarryY4LG4J22/Lot.14,tt810Kg (new 100%)-Cabin dashboard cover-LID,GLOVE BOX-73411-52S00-000PT SUZUKI INDOMOBIL MOTOR48PCE99.0336IndonesiaNA
3/29/202485044090Inverter, used to change and adjust the AC motor speed, for pattern cutting machines, code - 0P005154 PROGRAMMED INVERTER. 100% new productATOM S.P.A.1PCE723.726IndonesiaNA
3/29/202487082999LKLR Suzuki truck, manual handle, model SuzukiCarryY4LG4J22/Lot.14,tt810Kg (100% new) - cabin protection frame - GUARD COMP,CABIN BACK-65930-52S00-000PT SUZUKI INDOMOBIL MOTOR48PCE912.4416IndonesiaNA
3/29/202470072110LKLR Suzuki brand truck, right-hand drive, model Suzuki Carry Y4LG4J22/Lot.14, 810Kg (100% new) - rear cabin glass (tempered glass, 1 layer, thickness 3.1mm) - GLASS COMP, CABIN BACK WINDOW-84570-52S00-000 (43R-009629)PT SUZUKI INDOMOBIL MOTOR48PCE324.9792IndonesiaNA
3/29/202487082999LKLR Suzuki truck, right-hand drive, model SuzukiCarryY4LG4J22/Lot.14,tt810Kg(new 100%)-reinforcement piece, right-REINF,CABIN BACK GUARD,R-62121-52S00-000PT SUZUKI INDOMOBIL MOTOR48PCE57.2064IndonesiaNA
3/29/202487089980LKLR Suzuki truck, manual handle, model SuzukiCarryY4LG4J22/Lot.14,tt810Kg(new 100%)-gasket-PATCH,CABIN BACK GUARD NO.1,R-65514-52S00-000PT SUZUKI INDOMOBIL MOTOR48PCE20.1888IndonesiaNA

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