Get Latest Vietnam Abs resin white Import Data from Hong kong

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/31/202452041190Cotton sewing thread type 0.2kg/roll, white color. Manufacturer Tea Dong.KT 8x15cm. New 100%V LOGISTICS CO ., LTD50ROL15Hong KongNA
3/30/20245407619050885682#&Woven fabric from 100% POLYESTER FILAMENT WOVEN FUSIBLE INTERLINING 56G/SQM, 59/60", dyed, WHITE, used for textile products (Belonging to dh_1,tk_104451993000)YOUNGONE NAMDINH CO.,LTD0.13YRD0.206297Hong KongNA
3/30/20244908900050958636#&Decal(HEAT TRANSFER LOGO MAIN ID-ESSENTIALS 89MM,WHITE-16010, used for garments )(Belongs to dh_9, tk_104462290220)YOUNGONE NAMDINH CO.,LTD3.06PCE0.404226Hong KongNA
3/30/20245407520051012974#&Woven fabric made of TH filament yarn, woven, 100% POLYESTER_STC1010 WOVEN INTERLINING 23GSM ,59/60'', POLY FILAMENT, dyed, WHITE, used for MM goods (Belongs to dh_7,tk_105304676520)YOUNGONE NAMDINH CO.,LTD4.59YRD8.696214Hong KongNA
3/30/20245603110040000434#&Nonwoven fabric from man-made filament 100%POLYPROPYLENE NONWOVEN-INTERLINING WHITE HONGKONG CAOKY, weight 15GSM 60", used for cotton production, (Belongs to dh_2,tk_103490433910)YOUNGONE NAMDINH CO.,LTD4.09YRD0.2454Hong KongNA
3/29/202439031920HPS#&HIPS STYRON 438 NATURAL plastic pellets (STYRON 438 NATURAL primary plastic pellets (HIPS RESIN) Polystyrene, 25Kg/bag, manufacturer TRINSEO)SOJITZ VIETNAM CO., LTD-HANOI BRANCH1000KGM1459.6Hong KongNA
3/29/20243903306001.01-ABS#&ABS virgin plastic beadsYU RONG COSMETICS PACKAGING LIMITED100KGM627Hong KongNA
3/29/202458079090ML040036036#&Fabric label/MIZUNO NEO LIME /BLACK /MIZUNO SNOW WHITE WAVE ULTIMA 15+ MZ24AW-ST19-11-27 15x81mmPAXAR (CHINA) LIMITED2580PCE405.06Hong KongNA
3/29/202458079090ML040036032#&Fabric label/18-4036TCX BASE/293C POINT/WHITE WAVE ULTIMA 15+FIRE BIRD LABEL MZ24AW-ST19-2-22 15x71mmPAXAR (CHINA) LIMITED6PCE0.942Hong KongNA
3/29/202439031920KM1-1174-000101#&HIPS STYRON 438 resin (NATURAL)SOJITZ VIETNAM CO., LTD- HANOI BRANCH6000KGM8549.4Hong KongNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Abs resin white Import Data of Vietnamfrom Hong kong. We collect Abs resin white Import Data of Vietnam from Hong kong with product and date. Abs resin white ImportData of Vietnam from Hong kong helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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