Get Latest Vietnam Import Data of Abrasive sand under HS Code 68051000

Discover latest Vietnam shipment data of Abrasive sand under HS code 68051000. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Vietnam Import Data.

3/31/202468051000Grinding disc used to polish the surface of wooden products, with adhesive abrasive powder coated on textile fabric, size from 100 - 300mm - Velcro Disc (NW=GW) 100% brand newXXXXXXXXXX28280KGM11312ChinaNA
3/30/202468051000Sanding belt (artificial abrasive powder with textile base), Sanding belt #240/80x2500mm/ piece used to polish products. New 100%XXXXXXXXXX210PCE322.959VietnamNA
3/30/202468051000Sanding belt (artificial abrasive powder with textile base), Sanding belt #180/80x2500mm/piece used to polish products. New 100%XXXXXXXXXX720PCE1107.288VietnamNA
3/30/202468051000ARBA brand disc-shaped abrasive cloth. Manufacturer Zibo riken MT coated abrasives (abrasive powder processed on fabric) - type T27(FLAT)-P60: 100 mm x 16 mm (21 x 17mm). used for hand-held machines. 100% newXXXXXXXXXX30200TO4983ChinaNA
3/30/202468051000ARBA brand disc-shaped abrasive cloth. Manufacturer of Zibo riken MT coated abrasives (abrasive powder processed on fabric substrate) - type T27(FLAT)-P40: 100 mm x 16 mm (21 x 16mm). used for handheld machines. 100% newXXXXXXXXXX30200PCE4983ChinaNA
3/30/202468051000Sanding belt (artificial abrasive powder with textile base), Sanding belt #180/125x6300mm/piece used to polish products. New 100%XXXXXXXXXX120PCE725.988VietnamNA
3/30/202468051000Sanding belt (artificial abrasive powder with textile base), Sanding belt #80/180x5180mm/piece used to polish products. New 100%XXXXXXXXXX7PCE52.5553VietnamNA
3/30/202468051000Ring abrasive, brand LITTLE SUN, roughness 600#, size: 2100*50 mm. Manufacturer: DONGGUAN JINGYI GRINDING MATERIALS CO., LTD. 100% new.#&CNXXXXXXXXXX400PCE446.96VIETNAMNA
3/30/202468051000Sanding belt (artificial abrasive powder with textile base), Sanding belt #120/80x2500mm/piece used to polish products. New 100%XXXXXXXXXX430PCE661.297VietnamNA
3/30/202468051000Disc abrasive A80 (4 inches, DEERFOS) abrasive grain on woven fabric 53g/piece (100% new product)#&CNXXXXXXXXXX50PCE27.835VIETNAMNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Import data of Abrasive sand under HS code 68051000 Vietnam. We collect Import data of Abrasive sand under HS code 68051000 with product anddate.Import data of Abrasive sand under HS code 68051000 Vietnam helps to analyze Import price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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