Get Latest Vietnam Abrasive cloth round Import Data from India

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3/30/202472221100SEM00000973R0#&Solid cylindrical stainless steel, hot rolled, size: outer diameter 30mm, length 26mm, 100% new/ Round Bar OD30 x 26L (A276 Type304 Peeling)CONG TY TNHH THUONG MAI KY THUAT THIEN DANG18PCE16.8228IndiaNA
3/30/202471023900Finished, polished and cut natural white round diamonds (2.70mm SI2, 131 pieces). New 100%DIARISE HK LTD.13.17CT954.830268IndiaNA
3/30/202472223010SUS304R-15#& SUS 304 round bar stainless steel, size (12 x 500)mm, used as machine parts, 100% new.CONG TY TNHH DAU TU VA SAN XUAT LEAN LONG AN0.6KGM2.68182IndiaNA
3/30/202472223010SUS304R-14#& SUS 304 round bar stainless steel, size (25 x 500)mm, used as machine parts, 100% new.CONG TY TNHH DAU TU VA SAN XUAT LEAN LONG AN2KGM8.9394IndiaNA
3/30/202472223010SUS304R-21#&SUS304 round bar stainless steel, with circular cross-section, size: phi:12x500mm, 100% newCONG TY TNHH KIM KHI FUJI VIET NAM0.45KGM1.554255IndiaNA
3/30/202471023900Natural white round diamond, polished and cut, (3.90mm SI2, 14 pieces). New 100%DIARISE HK LTD.3.45CT396.75IndiaNA
3/30/202472223010SUS304R-17#& SUS 304 round bar stainless steel, size (90 x 100)mm, used as machine parts, 100% new.CONG TY TNHH DAU TU VA SAN XUAT LEAN LONG AN4.6KGM20.56062IndiaNA
3/30/202472223010SUS304R-16#& SUS 304 round bar stainless steel, size (100 x 100)mm, used as machine parts, 100% new.CONG TY TNHH DAU TU VA SAN XUAT LEAN LONG AN7KGM38.3992IndiaNA
3/30/202471023900Finished, polished and cut natural white round diamonds (3.00mm SI2, 185 pieces). New 100%DIARISE HK LTD.18.52CT1342.7IndiaNA
3/30/202471023900Natural white round diamonds, polished and cut, (2.90mm SI2, 395 pieces). New 100%DIARISE HK LTD.39.52CT2865.2IndiaNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Abrasive cloth round Import Data of Vietnamfrom India. We collect Abrasive cloth round Import Data of Vietnam from India with product and date. Abrasive cloth round ImportData of Vietnam from India helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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