Get Latest Vietnam nonyl Import Data from Germany

Get latest Customs Import data of Vietnam from Itlay for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Importer Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

2/26/202429173300Chemicals used in laboratories as analytes to check toxic residues in food samples Phthalic acid, bis-nonyl ester CAS 84-76-4 Product code DRE-C16174800, 250mg/bottle, 100% new productLGC STANDARDS GMBH1UNA33.3241GermanyNA
1/23/2024390730905620000080#&Synthetic resin (epoxide resin) / Resine Scotchcast N.8 XR 5236 ( 1 KT = 0.45 KG ) CAS: 84852-15-3, 111-40-0, Phenol, 4-nonyl-, branched 2.5%, Diethylenetriamine 5%BOEING DISTRIBUTION SERVICES INC4.5Liter444.5GermanyHO CHI MINH
1/15/202429051900Laboratory chemical DRE-C16174800-250MG, Phthalic acid, bis-nonyl ester CTPT C26H42O4, CAS 84-76-4 used as a standard to analyze active ingredient content in food samples. 100% new productLGC STANDARDS GMBH1Bottle/Bottle/Tube39.97021GermanyNA
1/15/2024390730905620000080#&Synthetic resin (epoxide resin) / Resine Scotchcast N.8 XR 5236 ( 1 KT = 0.45 KG ) CAS: 84852-15-3, 111-40-0, Phenol, 4-nonyl-, branched 2.5%, Diethylenetriamine 5%BOEING DISTRIBUTION SERVICES INC4.5Liter444.5GermanyHO CHI MINH
8/14/202338229090Pure standard for molecular biology testing: Phthalic acid, bis-nonyl ester, code: DRE-C16174800, CAS code: 84-76-4, 250mg/vial, used in laboratories, manufacturer: LGC Standards GmbH, 100 new %LGC STANDARDS GMBH1Bottle/Bottle/Tube35.7248GermanyNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest nonyl Import Data of Vietnamfrom Germany. We collect nonyl Import Data of Vietnam from Germany with product and date. nonyl ImportData of Vietnam from Germany helps to analyze Import price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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