Get Latest Vietnam Room heaters Export Data to Sc

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1/31/20249403609023MM6799-QI679.24#&TV cabinet for living room (made from MDF board, rubber wood, poplar wood; fitted with 1 heater 23II039FGL-A011(NKTC)) size 1511*393*829mm, Item 23MM6799-QI679, brand TWIN-STAR, 100% new#&VNSEN CHENG WOOD COMPANY LIMITED14Pieces2161.74SCTANCANG CAIMEP TVAI
1/31/20249403609042MMS600-QA571.24#&TV cabinet for living room (made from PB board, MDF board, poplar wood; 1 speaker mounted TS-0843-0352 (NKTQ)) size 1894*442*810mm, Item 42MMS600-QA570, brand TWIN -STAR#&VNSEN CHENG WOOD COMPANY LIMITED21Pieces3639.3SCTANCANG CAIMEP TVAI
1/31/202494036090D650-35.24.1#&Long dining table for dining room (made from poplar wood, pine wood, MDF board) size 2236*1147*762mm, item D650-35, brand ASHLEY#&VNCHENG YE WOOD CO LTD21Pieces2920.89SCTANCANG CAIMEP TVAI
1/31/202494036090T499-6.24.2#&Round table - Item: T499-6 (made from poplar wood, rubber wood, MDF board), specifications: diameter: 710mm, height: 653mm, used in living room, brand Ashley# &VNCHENG YE WOOD CO LTD11Pieces673.97SCCANG CONT SPITC
1/31/202494036090D650-60.24.1#&Cabinet for dining room (made from poplar wood, pine wood, MDF board) size 1425*457*855mm, item D650-60, brand ASHLEY#&VNCHENG YE WOOD CO LTD1Pieces125SCTANCANG CAIMEP TVAI
1/31/202494036090D650-35.24.1#&Long dining table for dining room (made from poplar wood, pine wood, MDF board) size 2236*1147*762mm, item D650-35, brand ASHLEY#&VNCHENG YE WOOD CO LTD25Pieces3477.25SCTANCANG CAIMEP TVAI
1/31/202494036090T651-7.24.1#&Living room table - Item: T651-7, made from poplar wood, pine wood, MDF board, specification: 418x509x610mm, brand: Ashley, 100% new#&VNCHENG YE WOOD CO LTD34Pieces1099.22SCCANG CONT SPITC
1/31/202494036090W797-28.24.1#&TV cabinet for living room (made from PB board, pine wood, MDF board), size 1267x506 x761mm, Item: W797-28, brand: ASHLEY, 100% new#&VNCHENG YE WOOD CO LTD5Pieces420.85SCCANG CONT SPITC
1/31/202494036090T651-7.24.1#&Living room table - Item: T651-7, made from poplar wood, pine wood, MDF board, specification: 418x509x610mm, brand: Ashley, 100% new#&VNCHENG YE WOOD CO LTD32Pieces1034.56SCCANG CONT SPITC
1/31/2024940360901695477.24.1#&TV cabinet for living room (made from poplar wood, pine wood, MDF board) size 2007 x457 x610mm, item 1695477, brand Bayside FURNISHINGS, 100% new#&VNCHENG YE WOOD CO LTD80Pieces9616SCGEMALINK

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