Get Latest Vietnam Plastics Export Data to Hk

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Hk for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/18/202439211919NK18#&EVA foam made from plastics., 100% new#&CNLONG HANH THIEN HA COMPANY LIMITED6578.9Square Meters19061.21802HKCONG TY TNHH LONG HANH THIEN HA
1/18/202439211919NK18#&EVA foam made from plastics., 100% new#&HKLONG HANH THIEN HA COMPANY LIMITED911.8Square Meters2319.12956HKCONG TY TNHH LONG HANH THIEN HA
1/17/202439262090Plastic hanger - Plastics hanger code: 490 Black 17" 100% brand new #& VN #&VNATT VIETNAM INVESTMENT TECHNOLOGY JOINT STOCK COMPANY11000Pieces2035HKCTY CP DT CONG NGHE ATT VIET NAM
1/10/202439211999EVA 70-75-4#&EVA piece (70-75) made of plastics, used to cushion the accessory box, size: 1.5m*3.5m*4mm, 100% new#&CNWINFONE VIETNAM MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED1508.6Pieces8010.80026HKKHO CTY WINFONE VIET NAM
1/10/202439211999EVA 65-70-4#&EVA sheet (65-70) made of plastics, used to cushion the accessory box, size: 1.5m*3.5m*4mm, 100% new#&CNWINFONE VIETNAM MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED2503Pieces15818.96HKKHO CTY WINFONE VIET NAM
1/9/202429270010Baking powder AC-3000F (AC Blowing Agent Azodicarbonamide >=90%, AC-3000F, Cas 123-77-3), used to produce PVC, EVA, PP and other plastics, 25 kgs/carton, made in China , 100% new #&CNTRUNG KIEN TM ONE MEMBER COMPANY LIMITED1025Kilograms2972.5HKNA
1/8/202439206299P99-01670200-001J hook Fishing hook, J hook made of plastics used in product packaging, 100% new#&VNWINWAY COMPANY LIMITED16742Pieces161.35939HKCONG TY TNHH WINWAY
1/8/202439206299P21-02601836-001Nylon cable tie Transparent tie wire, transparent tie wire made of plastics used in product packaging, 100% new#&VNWINWAY COMPANY LIMITED5000Pieces79.695HKCONG TY TNHH WINWAY
1/8/202439206299P99-03720252-001J hook Fishing hook, J hook made of plastics used in product packaging, 100% new#&VNWINWAY COMPANY LIMITED168000Pieces903HKCONG TY TNHH WINWAY
1/4/202439211999ZC18#&Styrofoam made from plastics 44", 100% new., transferred from line: 20 of declaration: 105904015710#&VNLONG HANH THIEN HA COMPANY LIMITED7.82Square Meters23.26322HKCONG TY TNHH LONG HANH THIEN HA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Plastics Export Data of Vietnamfrom Hk. We collect Plastics Export Data of Vietnam to Hk with product and date. Plastics ExportData of Vietnam from Hk helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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