Get Latest Vietnam Patio chairs Export Data to Vn

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Vn for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202463071090White cotton cloth used to clean tables, chairs and wipe goods, 100% new#&VNTHAI HA TECHNOLOGICAL SERVICES AND TRADING JOINT STOCK COMPANY180Kilograms236.2104VNCONG TY CP TM VA DV CN THAI HA
1/31/202494018000Meeting chairs made of plastic, seat cushions made of foam covered with felt, used for staff positions. Dimensions: 650*640*980mm#&VNHB TECH COMPANY LIMITED8Pieces493.74608VNCONG TY TNHH HB TECH
1/30/202494036090Sofa table and chair set, made of industrial wood with cushions (main material is industrial wood), used in dormitories (Set includes 1 table and 3 chairs), 100% brand new#&VNSONG HONG VIET NAM SERVICE AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED20Set5905.2696VNCTY TNHH CN SONG HONG VN
1/30/202432089090Gray spray paint A300, used to decorate wooden and metal surfaces such as: household appliances, tables, chairs, children's toys, bicycles, motorbikes, 100% new product#&VNSAKURA VIET NAM TM DV COMPANY LIMITED2Box/Bag/Pack3.23968VNNA
1/30/202476042990Aluminum brace NLP20 (ND-HTP031) matte champagne color, aluminum alloy material, used to brace and cover the corners of doors, tables and chairs, Dimensions: 20mmx2500mm x1mm, 100% new product.#&VNHAEYOUN VINA COMPANY LIMITED12Bar/Pieces (UNT)166.33176VNCONG TY TNHH HAEYOUN VINA
1/30/202494036090Sofa table and chair set, made of industrial wood with cushions (main material is industrial wood), used in dormitories (Set includes 1 table and 3 chairs), 100% brand new#&VNSONG HONG VIET NAM SERVICE AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED8Set2362.10784VNCTY TNHH CN SONG HONG VN
1/29/202439201019R99932126409#&PE plastic sheet W2500mm*t:0.02mm (Not folded in half), 60% GRS (recycled PE SHEET) used to package products (tables, chairs, mattresses)#&VNCEN168500Kilograms1057.82VNCTY TNHH INDUSTRY CEN168
1/29/202444123300Plywood 21mm x 1220mm x 2440mm, made of white poplar, scientific name populus deltoids, non-coniferous, used to make tables and chairs (1TAM=1PCS), no brand, 100% new #&CNAKATI WOOD VIETNAM CO LTD240Pieces7972.1136VNCONG TY TNHH AKATI WOOD
1/29/202444111200MDF wooden board, size 2.5x 1220mm x 2440mm, thickness of wooden board: 2.5mm, used to produce tables and chairs (1TAM = 1PCS) (2.5x1245x2465mm; FT25.25), 100% new#&VNAKATI WOOD VIETNAM CO LTD990Pieces2476.5147VNCONG TY TNHH AKATI WOOD
1/29/202439232199R99932126174#&PE plastic bag W1240*L2400*t:0.10mm (PE bag) used to pack products (tables, chairs, mattresses)#&VNCEN1681800Pieces2001.87VNCTY TNHH INDUSTRY CEN168

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Patio chairs Export Data of Vietnamfrom Vn. We collect Patio chairs Export Data of Vietnam to Vn with product and date. Patio chairs ExportData of Vietnam from Vn helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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