Get Latest Vietnam Methoxy Export Data to Zz

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Zz for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

12/19/202332151190HGI IJ 221128 IR-6%(CODE:307000014B) black ink,tp:XYLENE 1330-20-7,ISOBUTYL ACETATE 110-19-0,BENZENE,TRIMETHYL- 25551-13-7,2-PROPANOL,1- METHOXY- 107-98-2,CUMENE 98-82-8,CARBON BLACK 1333-86-4#&JPSEIN TAnd T VIET NAM COMPANY LIMITED10Kilograms1642.8571ZZNA
12/4/202334029019NPL94#&LOCTITE BONDACE UV-2801TF treatment agent 15kg//barrel (TP: Butanone 30-60%, Ethyl acetate 30-60%, Methylcyclohexane 10-30%, 2-methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate 1-10%,. ...), D5, account 105019858160#&VNVIETNAM KIM VIET FOOTWEAR COLTD30Kilograms129.6ZZNA
11/23/202338140000Solvent Urethane Thinner A, used to mix paint, ingredients: Xylene 30-70%, Butyl Acetate 5-10%, Methoxy Propyl Acetate 30-70%. New 100%. (03 boxes x 20 liters/box).#&VNHAI PHONG PAINT JOINT STOCK COMPANY60Liter168.099ZZNA
11/3/202338140000Solvent Urethane Thinner A, used to mix paint, ingredients: Xylene 30-70%, Butyl Acetate 5-10%, Methoxy Propyl Acetate 30-70%. New 100%. (02 boxes x 20 liters/box).#&VNHAI PHONG PAINT JOINT STOCK COMPANY40Liter112.066ZZNA
10/27/202332151190Printing ink (1039.6926) used to print barcodes on electronic circuits, black, TP: acetone: 60-80%, 2-methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate: 1-10%, 1-methoxypropan-2-ol: 1-10%. 1 bottle=1000ml, manufacturer: KBA. 100% new item#&DEHUKO VINA COMPANY LIMITED4Bottle/Bottle/Tube1450.3502ZZNA
10/20/202332041790YELLOW COLOR ZNZ7506 (COLOR), T/P: 15-25% Xylene, 20-30% N-Butyl acetate, 10-25%Methoxy Propanol.., Brand Zhanchen, 100% New#&VNJINCHEN IMPORT EXPORT TRADING CO LTD16Kilograms148.3312ZZNA
10/20/202332041790RED COLOR ZNZ7508 (COLOR), T/P: 15-25% Xylene, 20-30% N-Butyl acetate, 10-25%Methoxy Propanol.., Brand Zhanchen, 100% New#&VNJINCHEN IMPORT EXPORT TRADING CO LTD16Kilograms148.3312ZZNA
10/20/202332041790BLACK COLOR ZNZ7501 (COLOR), T/P: 15-25% Xylene, 20-30% N-Butyl acetate, 10-25%Methoxy Propanol.., Brand Zhanchen, 100% New#&VNJINCHEN IMPORT EXPORT TRADING CO LTD16Kilograms148.3312ZZNA
10/3/202332041790BLACK COLOR ZNZ7501 (COLOR), T/P: 15-25% Xylene, 20-30% N-Butyl acetate, 10-25%Methoxy Propanol.., Brand Zhanchen, 100% New#&VNJINCHEN IMPORT EXPORT TRADING CO LTD4Kilograms37.0828ZZNA
10/3/202332041790YELLOW COLOR ZNZ7506 (COLOR), T/P: 15-25% Xylene, 20-30% N-Butyl acetate, 10-25%Methoxy Propanol.., Brand Zhanchen, 100% New#&VNJINCHEN IMPORT EXPORT TRADING CO LTD4Kilograms37.0828ZZNA

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