Get Latest Vietnam Methoxy Export Data to Vn

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1/30/20243506100031-0000004-0 # YUNTUO HT460 Glue (20G/tube), TP: Hydroxyacrylate-Methoxy 80-95%, Polymethacrylate 3-5%, Quinol 1-3%. 100% new product #&CNXIN YUAN VIET NAM INDUSTRY SCIENCE AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED940Gram290.883VNNA
1/29/202438140000Paint thinner, (13kg/can), 2253 THINNER_code 0705-000441A (TP: 1-Methoxy-2-propyl aceate 108-65-6, Diacetone alcohol 123-42-2,...). Manufacturer: Viet Nam Musashi Paint Co., LTD. 100% new#&VNPLK CHEMICAL COMPANY LIMITED221Kilograms990.08VNNA
1/29/202438140000Organic solvent for mixing ink ST1, ingredients SOLVENT NAPHTHA (PETROLEUM), LIGHT AROM 60%, BUTYL GLYCOLATE 10% 1-METHOXY-2-PROPANOL 5%. 100% new item#&DEPAnd S INTERNATIONAL COMPANY LIMITED12Kilograms541.31628VNNA
1/29/202432089090Liquid paint, (4kg/can), dispersed (dissolved), MG751_code 0705-000442A (Includes: Toluene 108-88-3, 1-Methoxy-2-propyl acetate 108-65-6,...) . Manufacturer: Viet Nam Musashi Paint Co., LTD. 100% new#&VNPLK CHEMICAL COMPANY LIMITED20Kilograms344.8VNNA
1/29/202432089090Liquid paint (4kg/can), dispersed (dissolved), MG752(K6)_code 0705-000437A (including: 1-Methoxy-2-propyl acetate 108-65-6, Cyclohexanone 108-94-1, . ..). Manufacturer: Viet Nam Musashi Paint Co., LTD. 100% new#&VNPLK CHEMICAL COMPANY LIMITED40Kilograms672.4VNNA
1/29/2024320990002810945-SX#&Treatment agent (Water-based PU treatment agent) LOCTITE AQUACE PR-607 V9 15KG. (2-methoxy-1-methylethyl acetate(108-65-6) 10-30%, n-Butyl acetate(123-86-4) 10-30% and others)#&VNHENKEL ADHESIVE TECHNOLOGIES VIETNAM CO LTD150Kilograms585VNNA
1/26/202438140000Solvent Urethane Thinner A, used to mix paint, ingredients: Xylene 30-70%, Butyl Acetate 5-10%, Methoxy Propyl Acetate 30-70%. New 100%. (04 boxes x 20 liters/box).#&VNHAI PHONG PAINT JOINT STOCK COMPANY80Liter221.6504VNNA
1/26/202438140000Solvent Urethane Thinner A - Ingredients include: Xylene 30-70%; Butyl Acetate 5-10%; Methoxy Propyl Acetate 30-70% (12 barrels x 05 liters/ barrel).#&VNHAI PHONG PAINT JOINT STOCK COMPANY60Liter191.1558VNNA
1/25/202438140000Paint thinner, (13kg/can), 2253 THINNER (TP: 1-Methoxy-2-propyl aceate 108-65-6, Diacetone alcohol 123-42-2,...). Manufacturer: Viet Nam Musashi Paint Co,.tld, VIET Nam. 100% new#&VNPLK CHEMICAL COMPANY LIMITED13Kilograms73.56973VNNA
1/25/202432089090WUMD30004/17K-C1-211#&Silver water-based paint WUMD30004/17K-C1 (Tp; 2-(2-butoxyethoxy)ethanol 25%, 1-methoxy-2-propanol 10%, 2-(2-ethoxyethoxy) 10% ethanol), used to produce paint. 100% new#&VNXING MEI PAINT BAC GIANG COMAPNY LIMITED306Kilograms5395.93974VNNA

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