Get Latest Vietnam Grippers bracket Export Data to Kr

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Kr for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202439269099A9588DAI0#&Bracket (BRACKET - A9588DAI0), material: plastic. 100% new product#&VNWOOSUNG ELECTRONICS VIETNAM LIMITED COMPANY1800Pieces151.92KRWOOSUNG ELECTRONICS
1/31/202440169999Rubber tube, used as a cable fixing bracket for surveillance cameras MC06-001053A. 100% new product#&VNNAMYANG INNOTECH VINA COMPANY LIMITED200Pieces6.46KRDAU TU BAC KY
1/31/202440169999Rubber tube, used as a cable fixing bracket for surveillance cameras MC06-000071A. 100% new product#&VNNAMYANG INNOTECH VINA COMPANY LIMITED2000Pieces92KRDAU TU BAC KY
1/31/202483025000Support plate - RA-05V-0501(BRACKET ROTATOR CASE-A), material: Steel. 100% new product#&VNMTS VIET NAM SERVICE TRADING MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED600Pieces270KRCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202483025000Support plate -RA-05V-2654 (BRACKET CASE ROTATOR BOTTO), material: Steel. 100% new product#&VNMTS VIET NAM SERVICE TRADING MANUFACTURING COMPANY LIMITED300Pieces420KRCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202476169990HPNAK000100#&Aluminum alloy bracket for automotive components, JL/JT Sealing Cover _R604384 (N), ZENSB000840#&VNSEOJIN AUTO COMPANY LIMITED80Pieces1988.68KRHA NOI
1/31/202439263000MMBR210043#&BRACKET_RVC_LB_(NQ5) - Plastic RVC LB (NQ5) bracket to mount camera module (to fix camera to car body), 100% new#&VNPIM VINA COMPANY LIMITED2000Pieces230KRCONG TY TNHH PIM VINA
1/31/202439269099MQ4 PE WD SV LHD RH BRACKET-V#&Plastic camera mount for car dash cam parts. New product: 100%#&VNPARTRON VINA COLTD27400Pieces1167.24KRCT PARTRON VINA
1/31/202473269099DMB0507708H0001-2#&Steel generator cover, BRACKET - UPPER 10227035_0001 (DMB0507708H0001)#&VNSEOJIN VIET NAM LIMITED COMPANY1Pieces700KRGREEN PORT (HP)
1/31/202483025000SHD-2500FPW/VEX#&Mounting bracket for surveillance cameras, made of aluminum, size 345mm. 100% new product#&VNHANWHA TECHWIN SECURITY VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED36Pieces1455.84KRCANG LACH HUYEN HP

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Grippers bracket Export Data of Vietnamfrom Kr. We collect Grippers bracket Export Data of Vietnam to Kr with product and date. Grippers bracket ExportData of Vietnam from Kr helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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