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1/31/20248534002019900628#& Double-sided printed circuit board (without electronic components) 11459-8A0G0, size 118x127mm, 3 pce/sheet, used for car electronic components, 100% new#&VNKYOSHA VIETNAM CO., LTD.7200Plates12474USCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/20248534002019900617#&Double-sided printed circuit board (without electronic components) 10013/113-8F04M, size 158.58x142.85, 16 pce/sheet used for car electronic components, 100% new#&VNKYOSHA VIETNAM CO., LTD.240Plates497.952USCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/20248534002019900643#&Double-sided printed circuit board (without electronic components) 22059/159-8A0FT-1, size 185.59x184mm, 12pce/sheet, used for car lights, 100% new item#&VNKYOSHA VIETNAM CO., LTD.1080Plates4096.008USCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/202485371099ETC750003-S0010.M-OVS1#&Electronic circuit board for power supply controller#&ENUMC ELECTRONICS VIETNAM LIMITED69Pieces1338.6USCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/202485371099ETP712121.M-OVS1#&Electronic circuit board for power supply controller#&VNUMC ELECTRONICS VIETNAM LIMITED200Pieces12366USCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/2024854231002022-028#&0670-00-0770-SHEN-ND/Electronic printed circuit board/0670-00-0770, does not contain civil code according to Decree 58/2016/NDCPRe-exported from TKN: 105580607903/G13, dated 17 /April 2024, section 1#&VNSPARTRONICS VIETNAM CO., LTD3Pieces2382.69USHO CHI MINH
1/31/202485371099ETP760522-OVS1#&Electronic circuit board for power supply controller#&ENUMC ELECTRONICS VIETNAM LIMITED88Pieces6952USCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/202485176900111000101222#&Smart video doorbell (integrated bell button, microphone and video). Model: 5UM5E5. Brand: Ring, 111000101222#&VNGOERTEK TECHNOLOGY VINA COMPANY LIMITED18Pieces938.52USHA NOI
1/31/202484733010F05_EFI0004-9#&Assembled electronic circuit board with image processing function 45184613, 100% new item#&TWUNIGEN VIETNAM HANOI CO., LTD225Pieces30287.25USHA NOI
1/31/20248534002019900684#&Double-sided printed circuit board (without electronic components) 10079-5B01T, size 116.5x88mm, 6 pce/sheet, used for car electronic components, 100% new#&VNKYOSHA VIETNAM CO., LTD.2880Plates3449.088USCANG HAI PHONG

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