Get Latest Vietnam Dried pears Export Data to Cn

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Cn for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202420089990Processed jackfruit dried in cooking oil (7 kg/package/barrel), origin Vietnam. Producer: Darlac Farms Fruit Company Limited. Goods packed in airtight bags, 100% new #&VNDARLAC FARMS FRUITS LIMITED COMPANY900Box/Bag/Pack31002.66CNNA
1/31/202414049099Dried Litsea bark (Scientific name: litsea glusinosa), 45kg-50kg/bundle, raw material for producing incense, paper, goods made in Vietnam.#&VNMAI HUNG PRIVATE ENTERPRISE15000Kilograms12302.55CNNA
1/31/202403055921Dried Anchovies (1 bale = 10Kg) (Made in Vietnam)#&VNTRUNG SON LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY9790Kilograms43076CNNA
1/31/202420089990Processed, dried, ready-to-eat jackfruit, packaged: 7KG/BAG/BOX Manufacturer: Thien Tan Phat NS Trading Food Processing Co., Ltd. Goods packed in airtight bags, unbranded, made in Vietnam, 100% new #&VNTHIEN TAN PHAT FOODSTUFF AND AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS PROCESSING AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED6881Kilograms38094.52339CNNA
1/31/202444083920Veneer is peeled from rubber wood, not dried. Dimensions 1270*620*1.6mm. Low quality surface (after processing used as the middle layer), 100% new.#&VNBING TRADING COMPANY LIMITED200.46Cubic Meters40292.46CNCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202444083920Veneer is peeled from rubber wood, not dried. Dimensions 1270*620*1.6mm. Low quality surface (after processing used as the middle layer), 100% new.#&VNBING TRADING COMPANY LIMITED199.45Cubic Meters40089.45CNCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202444083990Dried peel board made from Rubber wood used to make the core layer, dimensions 1210mm long x 620mm wide x 1.6mm thick. 100% new product.#&VNNHAT AN VENEER COMPANY LIMITED205.37Cubic Meters28751.8CNCANG TIEN SA(D.NANG)
1/31/202408011200Peeled dried coconut (28-30 kgs/bag). 100% new#&VNAN THINH COCONUT COMPANY LIMITED85500Kilograms23085CNNA
1/31/202408134090Dried durian 3kg (1.5kg/bag, 2 bags/carton), peeled and seeded, not marinated or processed, made in Vietnam. Producer: Darlac Farms Fruit Company Limited. Goods packed in airtight bags, 100% new #&VNDARLAC FARMS FRUITS LIMITED COMPANY6750Kilograms221447.5875CNNA
1/31/202408011200Peeled dried coconut (3,150 bags)#&VNVIETNAM COCONUT TRADING COMPANY LIMITED85.5Ton14107.5CNNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Dried pears Export Data of Vietnamfrom Cn. We collect Dried pears Export Data of Vietnam to Cn with product and date. Dried pears ExportData of Vietnam from Cn helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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