Get Latest Vietnam Cosmetic peptide Export Data to Kr

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Kr for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202448192000Paper cosmetic box, brand: SUMDFINE, size 9.6cmx21.3cm, FOC product, 100% new#&VNWINLAB BA XUYEN COSMETICS IMPORTEXPORT CO LTD59.5Kilograms29.75KRCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202448192000Paper cosmetic box, brand: SUMDFINE, size 18.1cmx16cm, FOC product, 100% new#&VNWINLAB BA XUYEN COSMETICS IMPORTEXPORT CO LTD50Kilograms25KRCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/30/202439269099EP97-02248A#&Plastic protective cover for broadcast receiver equipment,MEA-COSMETIC COVER_MT1602D,SFG-ARM1V,VER.100% brand new#&VNSEOJIN VINA COMPANY LIMITED31Pieces330.77KRGREEN PORT (HP)
1/27/202439269099AANAB002800#&Completely shaped plastic cover for broadcast receiver equipment, COVER-MMU35J 32T32R COSMETIC COVER, ZENSB000870#&VNSEOJIN AUTO COMPANY LIMITED3Pieces16.59KRHA NOI
1/26/202439269099AANAB002300#&Plastic cover for transceiver equipment, MEA-COSMETIC ASSY_MF3206d_EPASS, AANCB002300#&VNSEOJIN AUTO COMPANY LIMITED5Pieces312.58KRHA NOI
1/25/202439235000H00302110#&Plastic lid used to cover cosmetic jars, size 22.8X 13.4mm#&VNKUGIL VINA COMPANY LIMITED5560Pieces60.048KRCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/25/202439235000H00301400#&Plastic lid used to cover cosmetic jars, size 14X15.2mm#&VNKUGIL VINA COMPANY LIMITED50000Pieces555KRCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/25/202439239090H00302520#&Plastic nipple used to attach lid to cosmetic nozzle, size 17.8X23.05mm#&VNKUGIL VINA COMPANY LIMITED132000Pieces3075.6KRCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/25/202470109099HP6200930#&Glass cosmetic nozzle (I), size 6.2x84mm#&VNKUGIL VINA COMPANY LIMITED49900Pieces898.2KRNA
1/25/202470109099HP6201090#&Glass cosmetic nozzle (I), size 6.2x92mm#&VNKUGIL VINA COMPANY LIMITED105000Pieces2005.5KRNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Cosmetic peptide Export Data of Vietnamfrom Kr. We collect Cosmetic peptide Export Data of Vietnam to Kr with product and date. Cosmetic peptide ExportData of Vietnam from Kr helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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