Get Latest Vietnam Common lime Export Data to Vn

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1/31/202439269099Metal tip glue injector. 8# common red 21G. Plastic material. 100% new#&CNBLUE WINGS TRADE SERVICE CO LTD1160Pieces33.292VNCTY TNHH TMDV BLUEWINGS
1/31/202439269099Metal tip glue injector. 8# common red 21G. Plastic material. 100% new#&CNBLUE WINGS TRADE SERVICE CO LTD1250Pieces35.875VNCTY TNHH TMDV BLUEWINGS
1/31/2024850300903H70013H-SP#&Electrical steel core assembly A (metal, 20mm thick, for electric motor production)/ STATOR CORE A ASM (S-60 20MM COMMON-EPOXY PAINT(BK.)), Model: 3H70013H.New item 100%#&VNOHSUNG VINA THAI BINH COMPANY LIMITED455Pieces218.8095VNCONG TY TNHH OHSUNG VINA THAI BINH
1/31/202439269099Metal tip glue injector, common 5# 25G red, plastic. 100% new#&CNBLUE WINGS TRADE SERVICE CO LTD1956Pieces56.1372VNCTY TNHH TMDV BLUEWINGS
1/31/202439269099Metal tip glue injector. 7# common blue 22G. Plastic material. 100% new#&CNBLUE WINGS TRADE SERVICE CO LTD1460Pieces41.902VNCTY TNHH TMDV BLUEWINGS
1/31/202439269099Metal tip glue injector, common 5# 25G red, plastic. 100% new#&CNBLUE WINGS TRADE SERVICE CO LTD2200Pieces212.014VNCTY TNHH TMDV BLUEWINGS
1/31/202473181510Steel screws used in refrigerator manufacturing, 10mm long, 6mm diameter, REFDIV(Bolt, Common), code 1BZZJM2001B, 100% new product#&VNSERVEONE VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED172000Pieces2115.6VNCONG TY TNHH SERVEONE (VIET NAM)
1/31/202448237000Pressed pulp head H62xR30mm - PULP MOLD,COMMON PART \ FOR CHUCK ASSY- 100% new product#&VNQUAN NHAT BINH PHUOC COMPANY LIMITED24918Pieces882.0972VNCTY QUAN NHAT BINH PHUOC
1/31/202439269099Metal tip glue injector, common 5# 25G red, plastic. 100% new#&CNBLUE WINGS TRADE SERVICE CO LTD350Pieces33.7295VNCTY TNHH TMDV BLUEWINGS
1/31/202439191099Adhesive tape in lime green OPP color, width 5cm. 100% new product#&VNNAM LAN TRADING AND SERVICE COMPANY LIMITED5Roll2.4605VNCTY TNHH TM VA DV NAM LAN

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Common lime Export Data of Vietnamfrom Vn. We collect Common lime Export Data of Vietnam to Vn with product and date. Common lime ExportData of Vietnam from Vn helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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