Get Latest Vietnam Civil construction Export Data to Hk

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Hk for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202485235200NX-HT 54-100-RFID-19#&Smart card, RFID paper label containing electronic integrated circuit 54x100mm, does not contain civil code, used as clothing label#&VNNAXIS VIETNAM CO LTD HA NAM BRANCH2328Pieces340.3536HKKHO CTY NAXIS VN CHI NHANH HA NAM
1/31/202485235200NX-HT 40-100-RFID-19#&Smart card, RFID paper label containing electronic integrated circuit 40 x 100 mm, does not contain civil code, used as clothing label#&VNNAXIS VIETNAM CO LTD HA NAM BRANCH708Pieces42.1968HKKHO CTY NAXIS VN CHI NHANH HA NAM
1/31/202484733010Internal memory for the computer has a capacity of 8GB. Model: KMKU8G8682666 contains no data, no civil cryptographic features. Brand: KIMTIGO. Used goods#&CNMAI HOANG INFORMATIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY47Pieces611HKHA NOI
1/31/202484733010Internal memory for the computer has a capacity of 8GB. Model: KMKU8G8683200WR contains no data, no civil cryptographic features. Brand: KIMTIGO. Used goods#&CNMAI HOANG INFORMATIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY4Pieces56HKHA NOI
1/31/202484717020Hard drive for computers. Model: K256P3M28KTP650, 256G capacity does not contain data, no civil encryption feature. Brand: KIMTIGO. Used goods#&CNMAI HOANG INFORMATIC JOINT STOCK COMPANY1Pieces12HKHA NOI
1/31/202485176243JEXEX48AO.A1G#&Ethernet Switch, model EX4650-48Y-AFO, does not contain civil code, 100% new#&VNALPHA NETWORKS VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED10Pieces23893.81HKCANG XANH VIP
1/31/202496039040280-8101-20842-HD-QEP#&Plastic mortar brush with blue handle, type 3*11, used in construction, 100% new#&VNCIBON TOOL VIETNAM LIMITED COMPANY6048Pieces1986.768HKCANG LACH HUYEN HP
1/31/202439269099261-6920-709-7901-QEP#&Yellow plastic mortar knife, size 3/16 inch, used in construction, 100% new#&VNCIBON TOOL VIETNAM LIMITED COMPANY3000Pieces340.2HKCANG LACH HUYEN HP
1/31/202482055900277-7781-49915-QEP#&Serrated trowel (1/4 inch square tooth shape) with plastic and aluminum handle, steel trowel face, used in construction, 100% new#&VNCIBON TOOL VIETNAM LIMITED COMPANY7020Pieces12648.636HKCANG LACH HUYEN HP
1/31/202485176243JEXON48AOUS2.A1G#&Ethernet Switch, model QFX5120-48Y-AFO2, contains civil code, belongs to line 28 on export license, 100% new#&VNALPHA NETWORKS VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED109Pieces260498.0754HKCANG LACH HUYEN HP

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Civil construction Export Data of Vietnamfrom Hk. We collect Civil construction Export Data of Vietnam to Hk with product and date. Civil construction ExportData of Vietnam from Hk helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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