Get Latest Vietnam Broadcasting equipment Export Data to Jp

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Jp for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202476169990Block plate 11859011-10-001-0E made of aluminum, part used in pneumatic equipment, 100% new#&VNNAKANO PRECISION COMPANY LIMITED40Pieces197.2JPICD TRANSIMEX SG
1/31/202490138090FSL0001-02#&FSL0001-02 Optical equipment FLU-CMS123 Assy(ForC05)#&VNFUJIKURA FIBER OPTICS VIETNAM LTD.5Pieces762.90075JPHO CHI MINH
1/31/2024853690990006091075#&Connector used for electronic equipment/ IMSA-9686S-11Y800#&VNIRISO ELECTRONICS VIETNAM CO., LTD30000Pieces1914.99JPCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/202484819023X690202 valve body made of aluminum, parts used in pneumatic equipment, 100% new#&VNNAKANO PRECISION COMPANY LIMITED105Pieces3564.75JPICD TRANSIMEX SG
1/31/20243926909941-24654-011#&Plastic dust shield used in gas equipment, size: 133.0mm x 172.0mm#&VNPALOMA VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED1500Pieces144.9JPCANG TAN VU - HP
1/31/2024853690999005011568#&Connector used for electronic equipment/IMSA-13118B-05Y500#&VNIRISO ELECTRONICS VIETNAM CO., LTD82250Pieces14677.348JPCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/2024853690999005011517#&Connector used for electronic equipment/IMSA-10141S-140Y500#&VNIRISO ELECTRONICS VIETNAM CO., LTD31360Pieces21271.92704JPCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/202485011029100349349-S2401#&Stepper motor 100349349(KH42HM2B130)(Power not exceeding 37.5W)(Used for medical equipment)#&VNNIDEC SERVO VIETNAM CORPORATION432Pieces2095.2JPCONG TY NIDEC ADVANCED MOTOR VN
1/31/202476169990F3-339115 support base made of aluminum, part of pneumatic equipment, 100% new#&VNNAKANO PRECISION COMPANY LIMITED50Pieces593.5JPICD TRANSIMEX SG
1/31/202490138090FSL0005-02#&FSL0005-02 Optical Equipment FLU-CMS6 Assy(ForC05)#&VNFUJIKURA FIBER OPTICS VIETNAM LTD.5Pieces275.00025JPHO CHI MINH

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Broadcasting equipment Export Data of Vietnamfrom Jp. We collect Broadcasting equipment Export Data of Vietnam to Jp with product and date. Broadcasting equipment ExportData of Vietnam from Jp helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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