Get Latest Vietnam Broadcasting equipment Export Data to Hk

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Hk for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/2024391732991680940-8-E-43#&TBA-3052034D air tube made of TPE plastic, size 3 x 5.2 x 34 mm, used for medical equipment, unbranded, 100% new#&VNASAHI CHEMICALS VIETNAM CO., LTD20000Pieces190HKCTY TNHH ASAHI CHEMICALS VN
1/31/202449119990961014842-012024#&product manual for hand-held mechanical equipment-INSTRUCTION MANUAL,STAPLE 018786001 \ 49-16-2793 size 203*140mm, 100% new#&VNXIANGQUAN PACKAGING (VIETNAM) COMPANY LIMITED1500Pieces138.9HKKHO CTY BAO BI XIANGQUAN
1/31/202449119990961010035-012024#&Product instruction sheet for hand-held mechanical equipment-INSTRUCTION MANUAL,BINGING RY40220\HCP\REPLACEMENT_BULK_LINE_INSERT SHEET size 67.4*38.1mm, 100% new#&VNXIANGQUAN PACKAGING (VIETNAM) COMPANY LIMITED4500Pieces62.55HKKHO CTY BAO BI XIANGQUAN
1/31/202449119990961200090-012024#&product instruction sheet for hand-held mechanical equipment-INSTRUCTION SHEET,NO BINDING RY36B20B \ RY36B40B \ RY36B50B \ ADDENDUM SHEET \ EU size 210*148mm, 100% new#&VNXIANGQUAN PACKAGING (VIETNAM) COMPANY LIMITED1166Pieces22.737HKKHO CTY BAO BI XIANGQUAN
1/31/202449119990961096331-012024#&instruction manual for hand-held mechanical equipment-INSTRUCTION MANUAL,FOLDING 001429078 \ RYOBI EU \ BATTERY SAFETY SHEET (FOR RETAIL BATTERY) size 210*148mm, 100% new#&VNXIANGQUAN PACKAGING (VIETNAM) COMPANY LIMITED1556Pieces94.6048HKKHO CTY BAO BI XIANGQUAN
1/31/202449119990965001638-012024#&Product instruction sheet for hand-held mechanical equipment-FLYER,FOLDING 010821001\RYOBI\LEAFLET\CE size 420*297MM,100% new#&VNXIANGQUAN PACKAGING (VIETNAM) COMPANY LIMITED2310Pieces224.07HKKHO CTY BAO BI XIANGQUAN
1/31/202449119990961014948-012024#&product manual for hand-held mechanical equipment-INSTRUCTION SHEET,FOLDING 018696001 \ 2967-20 size 203*140mm, 100% new#&VNXIANGQUAN PACKAGING (VIETNAM) COMPANY LIMITED11570Pieces624.78HKKHO CTY BAO BI XIANGQUAN
1/31/202449119990960087804-012024#&product instruction sheet for hand-held mechanical equipment - INSTRUCTION MANUAL,SADDLE STITCH BLOWER \ RYOBI \ QAG size 203*146mm, 100% new#&VNXIANGQUAN PACKAGING (VIETNAM) COMPANY LIMITED68Pieces0.5236HKKHO CTY BAO BI XIANGQUAN
1/31/202449119990960087794-012024#&product manual for hand-held mechanical equipment-INSTRUCTION MANUAL,SADDLE STITCH / LAWN TRIMMER_COMPANISON kt 203*146mm,100% new#&VNXIANGQUAN PACKAGING (VIETNAM) COMPANY LIMITED664Pieces38.512HKKHO CTY BAO BI XIANGQUAN
1/31/202485045010BU1H1-137#&Inductor for electronic equipment model CDRH4D22HPNP-4R7NC. 100% new product#&VNSUMIDA ELECTRONIC QUANG NGAI CO., LTD4000Pieces421.6HKHO CHI MINH

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