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1/31/202485044090VN-D15-000358#&Set of 4 phone chargers for use in cars with A&C port, voltage 12-24V, capacity 32W, item RVUSBACCAR, 100% new#&VNPYS VIETNAM TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED1840Set19209.6USCTY TNHH CONG NGHE PYS VIET NAM
1/31/202485076090VN-D15-000376#&Set of 5 AM&Micro USB port power banks, input voltage 5V1A, output voltage 5V1A, 3000mAh, item RVPBBSRBP, 100% new#&VNPYS VIETNAM TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED1056Set15364.8USCTY TNHH CONG NGHE PYS VIET NAM
1/31/2024940350003621-30(D)#&Lift Top Cocktail Table w/Casters, Set Up (1168*710*475) mm-Table (1168*710*475) mm#&VNSHING MARK ENTERPRISE COLTD10Pieces1354.3USGEMALINK
1/31/202494039100Wooden door set (Horizon color) of kitchen cabinet, made from Birch wood and MDF board DS GH B09FD, 1 cabinet door, Size: 19x747.5x217mm#&VNPHU TAI BINH DINH WOOD COMPANY LIMITED41Pieces408.77USC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202494039100SNL3239-01RNS#&Details of bed slat set SNL3239-01RNS (BDS22-Q)(2102x60x279)mm, made from birch wood, rubber, plywood, nh.SERENA&LILY, with label, 100% new#&VNCHAN KIET CORPORATION30Pieces8516.1USC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202494039100SNL3239-02RNS#&Details of bed slat set SNL3239-02RNS (BDS22-K)(2102x60x279)mm, made from birch wood, rubber, plywood, nh.SERENA&LILY, with product label, 100% new#&VNCHAN KIET CORPORATION25Pieces7680USC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202485444299VN-D15-000443#&Set of 18 TYPE C TO TYPE C port charging cables, installed with connector, length 10ft, item RV10FTUSBCC, 100% new#&VNPYS VIETNAM TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LIMITED156Set5110.56USCTY TNHH CONG NGHE PYS VIET NAM
1/31/20243926909924129CL.MNV1308#&Plastic fake nail set, completely packaged. 100% new product#&VNPRETTY VINA COMPANY LIMITED3000Set2490USCANG HAI PHONG
1/31/202482073000Aluminum details (pressing tools) of the mold set used to produce car mats 112959_Automotive tooling components by aluminum , 100% new item#&VNHOANG KIM PRECISION COLTD1Pieces47USHO CHI MINH
1/31/202495042090Billiard table frame and braces made of rubber wood, acacia wood (2307x1197x257mm)-BT-8 STERLING PNL,BMS 50NM, 1 set = 14 pieces. New products manufactured by the company#&VNEXACT WOOD VIETNAM CO LTD25Set2815USGEMALINK

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