Get Latest Vietnam Banana tissue culture Export Data to Kr

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Kr for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/31/202448211090Paper label (printed) BANANA REPUBLIC FACTORY STORES.BFPT-1AP-(27.94x63.5)mm 100% brand new#&VNAVERY DENNISON RIS VIETNAM COLIMITED5321Pieces44.48356KRKHO CONG TY AVERY DENNISON RIS VN
1/31/202408039090Fresh Cavendish Banana. model: 10 CP. packed in carton box (13kg/box). 100% new product#&VNFOSACHA JOINT STOCK COMPANY600Box/Bag/Pack8100KRNA
1/31/202448211090Paper label (printed) BANANA REPUBLIC FACTORY STORES.BFPT-1APC(27.94x63.5)mm 100% brand new#&VNAVERY DENNISON RIS VIETNAM COLIMITED1971Pieces16.47756KRKHO CONG TY AVERY DENNISON RIS VN
1/31/202408039090Green South American banana, Class A CP10 13kgs/box - FRESH BANANAS FRUIT, KDA brand, 100% new#&VNKD GREEN FARM JOINT STOCK COMPANY180Box/Bag/Pack1890KRNA
1/31/202408039090Green South American banana, Class A CP10 13kgs/box - FRESH BANANAS FRUIT, KDA brand, 100% new#&VNKD GREEN FARM JOINT STOCK COMPANY180Box/Bag/Pack1890KRNA
1/31/202448211090Paper label (printed) BANANA REPUBLIC FACTORY STORES.BFPT-1APJ(27.94x63.5)mm 100% brand new#&VNAVERY DENNISON RIS VIETNAM COLIMITED765Pieces6.3954KRKHO CONG TY AVERY DENNISON RIS VN
1/31/202448211090Paper label (printed) BANANA REPUBLIC FACTORY STORES.BRFS-2655(63.5x50.8)mm 100% brand new#&VNAVERY DENNISON RIS VIETNAM COLIMITED5321Pieces43.1001KRKHO CONG TY AVERY DENNISON RIS VN
1/31/202408039090Fresh Cavendish Banana, model: 8 Hands, packed in carton box (13kg/box). 100% new product#&VNFOSACHA JOINT STOCK COMPANY240Box/Bag/Pack3000KRNA
1/31/2024621010909000202NK-1#&YK Surgical Gown L (9000202/11010086). Set of non-woven fabric gowns for medical use (1 set includes: 1 size L gown, 1 tissue, 1 wrapping sheet), unbranded, 100% new.#&VNDASAN HYGIENE VINA COMPANY LIMITED12510Package15012KRCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/202448211090Paper label (printed) BANANA REPUBLIC FACTORY STORES.BRFS-2655(50.8x63.5)mm 100% brand new#&VNAVERY DENNISON RIS VIETNAM COLIMITED4183Pieces33.8823KRKHO CONG TY AVERY DENNISON RIS VN

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Banana tissue culture Export Data of Vietnamfrom Kr. We collect Banana tissue culture Export Data of Vietnam to Kr with product and date. Banana tissue culture ExportData of Vietnam from Kr helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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