Get Latest Vietnam Apparel Export Data to Vietnam

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Vietnam for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

3/30/202458062090Woven fabric (Woven elastic band, product code: 100715, (76% Nylon, 24% Spandex), dyed containing elastic fibers, width 8mm, no brand, manufacturer: BAIKAI VN, 100% new, used in apparelCONG TY TNHH BAIKAI INDUSTRY VIET NAM43680MTR1402.128VIETNAMNA
3/30/202448211090Paper label (printed) NIKE INC.PERFORMANCE APPAREL (NIKE - NI.IM#722988.NIKE M2Z MODIFIER HANGTAG INSE...... 53.975x113.03 53.975x113.03 New 100%#&VNAVERY DENNISON RIS Vietnam Company Limited43PCE1.5738VietnamNA
3/30/202448211090Paper label (printed) NIKE INC.PERFORMANCE APPAREL (NIKE - NI.IM#722986.NIKE M2Z MODIFIER HANGTAG INSE...... 53.975x113.03 53.975x113.03 New 100%#&VNAVERY DENNISON RIS Vietnam Company Limited47PCE1.7202VietnamNA
3/30/202485235200Smart chip label used to store product information (does not contain civil codes, nd specialized in culture), made of paper 4-244637-000-02 WALMART.WALMART NON-APPAREL EXPANSION.W2, size: 54x34 mm, new 100%#&VNBRANCH OF AVERY DENNISON RIS VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED IN BAC NINH PROVINCE105520PCE3883.136VietnamNA
3/30/202448211090Paper label (printed) NIKE INC.PERFORMANCE APPAREL (NIKE - NI.IM#722988.NIKE M2Z MODIFIER HANGTAG INSE...... 53.975x113.03 53.975x113.03 New 100%#&VNAVERY DENNISON RIS Vietnam Company Limited43PCE1.5738VietnamNA
3/30/202458071000Woven label WL.KG2814-CODE.UNDER ARMOUR/KP SPORTS.WVL-101632.FW21 INTERIOR WVL.....CENTER FOLD LOOP.SEP..184.UA APPAREL (UNDER ARMOUR) 34x94 34x94 New 100%#&VNAVERY DENNISON RIS Vietnam Company Limited11544PCE311.688VietnamNA
3/30/202448211090Paper label (printed) NIKE INC.PERFORMANCE APPAREL (NIKE - NI.IM#722986.NIKE M2Z MODIFIER HANGTAG INSE...... 53.975x113.03 53.975x113.03 New 100%#&VNAVERY DENNISON RIS Vietnam Company Limited47PCE1.7202VietnamNA
3/29/2024482110901-286245-000-01#&Paper label (printed) NIKE INC.PERFORMANCE APPAREL (Nike - Ni.IM#722987.NIKE MODIFIER HANGTAG INSERT...... 100% new product#&VNAVERY DENNISON RIS Vietnam Company Limited337PCE13.817VietnamNA
3/29/202448211090Paper label (printed) NIKE INC.PERFORMANCE APPAREL (Nike - Ni.-kt-53.975x104.14mm New 100%#&VNAVERY DENNISON RIS Vietnam Company Limited1592PCE66.5456VietnamNA
3/29/202448211090Paper label (printed) NIKE INC.PERFORMANCE APPAREL (Nike - Ni.-kt-53.975x104.14mm New 100%#&VNAVERY DENNISON RIS Vietnam Company Limited273PCE11.4114VietnamNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Apparel Export Data of Vietnamfrom Vietnam. We collect Apparel Export Data of Vietnam to Vietnam with product and date. Apparel ExportData of Vietnam from Vietnam helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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