Get Latest Vietnam Apparel Export Data to Hk

Get latest Customs Export data of Vietnam to Hk for HS code . Discover valuable information such as Product Name, Price, Value, Unit, Quantity, Exporter Port Name, and more shipment details based on invoices, shipping bill and other documents for better market research.

1/29/202485235200Smart chip label used to store product information (does not contain civil codes, nd specialized in culture), made of paper 4-242614-000-01, WALMART.WALMART NON-APPAREL EXPANSION.W2, Size: 44.45x19. 05 mm, 100% new#&VNTHE BRANCH OF AVERY DENNISON RIS VIETNAM CO., LIMITED IN BAC NINH PROVINCE848833Pieces35650.986HKCN CT AVERY DENNISON RIS VN TAI BN
1/16/202485235200Smart chip label used to store product information (does not contain civil codes, nd specialized in culture), made of paper 4-242614-000-01, WALMART.WALMART NON-APPAREL EXPANSION.W2, Size: 44.45x19. 05 mm, 100% new#&VNTHE BRANCH OF AVERY DENNISON RIS VIETNAM CO., LIMITED IN BAC NINH PROVINCE53000Pieces2226HKCN CT AVERY DENNISON RIS VN TAI BN
1/15/2024960610905-part hidden button set (1x face button, 1x female button, 1x washer, 1x male button, 1x plastic gasket) 13.3MM NF Silver 018, code: LMO1-21LANTNICKEL, metal, used in apparel, new 100%.(1TH=1000 SET)#&CNPRYM FASHION VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED1.3Thousand70.252HKCONG TY TNHH PRYM FASHION VIET NAM
1/5/202485235200Smart chip label used to store product information (does not contain civil codes, nd specialized in culture), made of paper 4-242614-000-01, WALMART.WALMART NON-APPAREL EXPANSION.W2, Size: 44.45x19. 05 mm, 100% new#&VNTHE BRANCH OF AVERY DENNISON RIS VIETNAM CO., LIMITED IN BAC NINH PROVINCE12500Pieces525HKCN CT AVERY DENNISON RIS VN TAI BN
12/28/2023852352004-242435-000-04#&Smart chip label used to store product information (does not contain civil codes, does not contain specialized cultural content) WALMART.WALMART NON-APPAREL EXPANSION .W#&VNAVERY DENNISON RIS VIETNAM CO.,LIMITED3390Pieces164.415HKKHO CONG TY AVERY DENNISON RIS VN
12/27/202385235200Smart chip label used to store product information (does not contain civil codes, nd specialized in culture), made of paper 4-242614-000-01, WALMART.WALMART NON-APPAREL EXPANSION.W2, Size: 44.45x19. 05 mm, 100% new#&VNTHE BRANCH OF AVERY DENNISON RIS VIETNAM CO., LIMITED IN BAC NINH PROVINCE1549600Pieces65083.2HKCN CT AVERY DENNISON RIS VN TAI BN
12/25/202385235200Smart chip label used to store product information (does not contain civil codes, nd specialized in culture), made of paper 4-242614-001-01, WALMART.WALMART NON-APPAREL EXPANSION.W2 , Size: 44.45x19. 05 mm, 100% new#&VNTHE BRANCH OF AVERY DENNISON RIS VIETNAM CO., LIMITED IN BAC NINH PROVINCE438640Pieces18422.88HKCN CT AVERY DENNISON RIS VN TAI BN
12/25/202385235200Smart chip label used to store product information (does not contain civil or cultural codes), made of paper 4-244472-000-01, WALMART.WALMART NON-APPAREL EXPANSION.W2, size: 44.45x19. 05 mm, 100% new#&VNTHE BRANCH OF AVERY DENNISON RIS VIETNAM CO., LIMITED IN BAC NINH PROVINCE66000Pieces2772HKCN CT AVERY DENNISON RIS VN TAI BN
12/25/202385235200Smart chip label used to store product information (does not contain civil codes, nd specialized in culture), made of paper 4-242614-000-01, WALMART.WALMART NON-APPAREL EXPANSION.W2 , Size: 44.45x19. 05 mm, 100% new#&VNTHE BRANCH OF AVERY DENNISON RIS VIETNAM CO., LIMITED IN BAC NINH PROVINCE304575Pieces12792.15HKCN CT AVERY DENNISON RIS VN TAI BN

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Apparel Export Data of Vietnamfrom Hk. We collect Apparel Export Data of Vietnam to Hk with product and date. Apparel ExportData of Vietnam from Hk helps to analyze Export price, company name, port, importer and exporter,product description, quantity, market trends, and many other data points.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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