Get Latest Vietnam Altar cabinet Export Data to Jp

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1/31/20249403400018094714441#&LOW RESUME 60TH WH kitchen cabinet made from MDF wood, size 916x587mm, 100% new#&VNNITORI FURNITURE VIETNAM EPE40Set2384JPCANG XANH VIP
1/31/20249403609024013001084#&KLOGA 180LB MBR living room cabinet made from MDF wood, size 1260X460mm, 100% brand new#&VNNITORI FURNITURE VIETNAM EPE20Set2288JPTAN CANG (189)
1/31/2024940330002401541070#&LUCEAT 120-4LC WH file cabinet made from MDF wood, size 998x1372mm, 100% new#&VNNITORI FURNITURE VIETNAM EPE2Set294.6JPTAN CANG (189)
1/31/2024940350001663132560#&PORTE 120TV-MBR TV cabinet made from MDF wood, size 1194x1906mm, 100% new#&VNNITORI FURNITURE VIETNAM EPE30Set4887JPTAN CANG (189)
1/31/20249403300094985#&Office cabinets made of (particleboard, mdf board, laminated kiri board, laminated oak, laminated rubber wood) Brand CABINET PLABO N (LBR) (306 x 730 x 450) mm#&VNISSEIKI FURNITURE VIET NAM CO LTD39Pieces1716JPCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/20249403910024013122659#&Ceiling panel of PORTE 140SB-T MBR cabinet made from MDF wood, size 1401x419mm, 100% new#&VNNITORI FURNITURE VIETNAM EPE14Set393.4JPCANG XANH VIP
1/31/20249403910024013122632#&Ceiling panel of PORTE 180SB-T WH cabinet made from MDF wood, size 1799x419mm, 100% new#&VNNITORI FURNITURE VIETNAM EPE16Set494.4JPCANG XANH VIP
1/31/202485444299N13-3953-J01-001-VD-24#&Electrical wire assembly installed in control cabinet - N13-3953-J01-001-VD-24#&VNNISSEI ELECTRIC VIETNAM CO LTD10Pieces48.7JPCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/2024854442991EEH1516000-24#&Electrical wire assembly installed in electrical control cabinet - 1EEH1516000-24#&VNNISSEI ELECTRIC VIETNAM CO LTD2Pieces100.68JPCANG CAT LAI (HCM)
1/31/2024854442991EEH1516200-24#&Electrical wire assembly installed in electrical control cabinet - 1EEH1516200-24#&VNNISSEI ELECTRIC VIETNAM CO LTD2Pieces103.68JPCANG CAT LAI (HCM)

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