Get Latest Vietnam Export Data of Abs resin under HS Code 35069190

Discover latest Vietnam shipment data of Abs resin under HS code 35069190. Find Product description, Price, buyer, supplier name, Port & shipping information. Ultilize these valuable insights for implementing successful marketing strategy. Scale your Business with our authentic Vietnam Export Data.

3/31/20243506919021# & Shoe glue 618NS - Ingredients mixture includes (2-5% MMA, 34-40% MEK, 3-7% EAC, 30-34% Methyl Cyclohexane, 24-28% Resin), 100% newXXXXXXXXXX1200KGM3600VIETNAMNA
3/31/20243506919021#&Footwear glue 492S- Ingredients mixture includes resin 38-43%, Methyl cyclohexane 18-22%, EAC 20-25%, Methyl ethyl Ketone 7-11%, Acetone 3-7%,BAC 2- 5% (100% new)XXXXXXXXXX285KGM940.5VIETNAMNA
3/30/202435069190KDG#&GLUE N-960 (Ethyl acetate 19.5-24.5%,Dimethyl carbonate 22.5-27.5%,C5-C8 Alkanes 25.5-30.5%,Synthetic Resin 22.5-27.5%), brand: ZHONG BUXXXXXXXXXX300KGM921VIETNAMNA
3/30/202435069190KDG#&GLUE U-249F (MEK 17.5-22.5%,Acetone 7.5-12.5%,MA 7.5-12.5%,EA 14.5-19.5%,DC 27.5-32.5%,Polyurethane Resin 10.5-15.5%), brand: ZHONG BUXXXXXXXXXX4500KGM10710VIETNAMNA
3/30/20243506919028#&Footwear adhesive 462S (32 - 38% Heptane; 22 - 28% Methyl Acetate; 38 - 43% Resin); (BRAND: HP) 100% newXXXXXXXXXX375KGM1370.5125VIETNAMNA
3/30/202435069190KCL#&GLUE HM-533B(S) (tp:Styrene block copolymer TPR(9003-55-8),Petroleum resin(64742-16-1),Paraffin oil(8012-95-1) used in shoe manufacturing) , Nan Pao brandXXXXXXXXXX600KGM2538VIETNAMNA
3/30/202435069190SP0026#&U-248F ADHESIVE (MEK 17.5-22.5%, Acetone 7.5-12.5%, MA 7.5-12.5%, EA 14.5-19.5%, Dimethyl carbonate 27.5-32.5%, Polyurethane Resin 10.5-15.5%), brand: ZHONG BU#&VNXXXXXXXXXX2100KGM6447VietnamNA
3/30/202435069190HD-216F.#&Shoe glue HD-216F.(TP :Ethyl acetate 10-30%,Cyclohexane 20-30%,Terpene Resin 10-15%,Turpentine Oil 10-15%,Butadiene styrene rubber 10-17%, Rosin 5-15%) (15kg/barrel), HD brand, 100% new#&KXĐXXXXXXXXXX4500KGM16560VietnamNA
3/30/202435069190Npl 45# & ADHESIVE U-248FW (MEK 17.5-22.5%, Acetone 7.5-12.5%,MA 7.5-12.5%,EA 14.5-19.5%,Dimethyl carbonate 27.5-32.5%, Polyurethane Resin 10.5-15.5%)XXXXXXXXXX2250KGM4815VIETNAMNA
3/30/202435069190SP 010#&Adhesive (PA-388SK)(Ingredient: MEK 86%+PU-resin 14%)(Adhesive made from polymers)#&VN #&VNXXXXXXXXXX45KGM168.75VietnamNA

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Exim Trade Data provides 100% genuine and the latest Export data of Abs resin underHS code 35069190 Vietnam. We collect Export data of Abs resin under HS code 35069190 with product anddate.Export data of Abs resin under HS code 35069190 Vietnam helps to analyze Export price, companyname, port, importer and exporter, product description, quantity, market trends, and many other datapoints.International Trade data of a country helps the global exporters and importers to do analysis and marketresearch to find local suppliers and buyers in that country.

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